Welcome to the Band Club (Music & Sagas) Challenge *Cancelled*

Hello fellow cardsmiths, myself am bringing my own Saga contest to the fray. Yes, we know this is done to death. But myself have some major twists for this one.

1) You may choose up to three songs in the comments for your play by plays coming from here on out.
1B) You can add songs at any time until you have three songs, unless a challenge states otherwise.
1C) You can't remove songs or switch them out. If you do, you'll be kicked from the band session. XD
2) You must make a legendary creature or legendary planeswalker that fits at least one of your songs.
3) You must make two signature spells (Instants or Sorceries), an artifact and an enchantment. All themed around any number of your songs each.
4) You may make a companion creature or planeswalker, this is optional and is only for judging tiebreakers.
5) Post your cards and songs in a single comment. The rest of the cards and songs you post may be posted in individual comments.

Editing Rules:
We all make errors when making cards, so myself will let you edit your cards... on the condition that once they have been judged, you don't edit them. Songs can not be switched out regardless however due to it being the main challenge of this contest. If you need to switch a song, PM myself here or on Discord and we can talk about it. Thanks for your patience with myself!

There will be four rounds, with each lasting a week!
Challenge 1: Just surviving. (Song to be announced: IPXIgEAGe4U)
Challenge 2: Ascending from nothing. (Song to be announced: l0HzYxuOoOY)
Challenge 3: Deal with the devil. (Song to be announced: sh7BZf7D5Bw)
Challenge 4: Confronted by lady death. (Song to be announced: h5f3-jB0-do)

Alt Challenge: For up to one challenge you aren't proud of your score for, you may make a card themed after this song and your main character to substitute your score for that challenge.

Note: At the end there will be the final judging

Participant List: (Updated 7/22/2019 10:20PM, CA)
@ThatOneCat (Still working on cards.)

Happy smithing everyone, all are welcome to join the band club!



  • edited July 2019
    Oh Girl She’s The Devil by Mika

    The Overpass by Panic at the Disco

    Hit and Run by Lolo

    Cards on the way.



  • Extended Duration Announcement:
    There will now be four challenges, sorry for the discrepancy. Working on building a story with the challenges.
  • edited July 2019
    Ok so we have free reign to choose our 3 songs we make cards for, and you make a legendary creature or legendary planeswalker; instant sorcery artifact enchantment support. Are old cards allowed? I already have some cards that fall under the criteria for this tournament. ;)
  • Will join this!

    First song is Sweden by C418. Will link soon.
  • @sorinjace
    Would prefer new cards, otherwise we'd have to judge them more harshly.
  • May join
  • So we post 3 songs and make at least a legendary creature or planeswalker based or themed or influenced by at least one of the songs? I don't think the rules are spilling over to me quite so easily this contest, sorry.

    So let me try to clarify what you are doing:

    Post up to 3 songs. Anyone can make a card based on one or more of the songs you added to this contest, but you need to make one of the two: a legendary creature or a planeswalker influenced by one of the 3 songs you provided.

    Is this correct? also, are the support cards optional or are they required?

    Sorry I'm so confused on this here.
  • edited July 2019
    Firstly, you post up to three songs to start. But you can save some of the choices for later on for flexibility. Then each card you make must be themed off of one or more of your songs you've chosen. You do not directly interact with other cardsmiths' songs. That would be a nightmare to judge.

    Lastly, the only thing that is optional would be the companion creature/planeswalker card.

    Side note, the only songs you interact with other than your own are my songs posted in the main post regarding challenges.

    Steps to enter:
    1) Choose one to three songs for your starting cards to be themed off of. You can add songs at any time until you have three songs, unless a challenge states you can add more. You can't change songs midway, but cards can be edited before they're judged.
    2) Make a legendary creature or legendary planeswalker that fits at least one of your songs.
    3) Make two signature spells (Instants or Sorceries), an artifact and an enchantment. Each themed around one or more of your songs.
    4) You may make a companion creature or planeswalker, completely optional. Also, themed around one or more of your songs.
    5) Post your cards and songs in a single comment. The rest of the cards and songs you post in the future may be posted in individual comments.
  • edited July 2019
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Saga's are the most convoluted contests there are.
  • Cool ok thanks for clarifying the rules for me! I'll get to work!
  • Friendly bump.
  • edited July 2019
    If don't get a few more entrants, we'll have to call this a no contest challenge.
  • @Corwinnn
    May you close this, when you have time? Myself have decided to cancel it.
This discussion has been closed.