Questionnaire: Do you prefer physical or digital prizes?

Hello fellow cardsmiths, it's mercy here with a questionnaire wondering your stance on physical prizes through mtgcardsmith. In addition, if you don't mind giving any contributing factors for your stance, that would be immensely helpful.

Myself have been experimenting with physical prizes for a while now, but have moved to it in full force for The Throne of Eldraine set. Myself am wondering if this is favorable to each of you members of the community. As well as, if you prefer a combination of the two.

So please leave your feedback below! As it means a lot.

Happy smithing, everybody!



  • edited July 2019
    Read further for lack of surprise. The text is faint... so you can highlight it, if need be.

    The first two cardsmiths to give their stances will each earn a month of premium subscription next month, once my funds have been allocated for the gifts.
  • We have done physical prizes for big contests before, including entire boxes. The main problem is that @mtgcardsmith has to coordinate and be the one to ship the prizes and there are restrictions, specifically for shipping in the US and for what age you can be to participate.

    Gifting premium is much less complicated.
  • Good points. Myself should be clear that it's not an intention on awarding physical prizes over the longer term. It is more specific to the set and the new type of booster pack being released.

    That and the vast majority of physical prizes are restricted to the US. Unless myself make special arrangements, which would require spending more on shipping.
  • But myself agree it takes a lot of effort from MTGCS.
  • I prefer digital prizes, because those of us living outside if Canmerica (including myself) simply cannot participate in challenges that have physical prizes, or have to settle for digital alternatives.
  • I think both are certainly interesting and have their pros and cons, and certainly at times the prospect of earn a physical prize is really cool, but as a adult US citizen I have the privilege of not having to worry about eligibility for physical prizes.
  • Yeah, myself agree. But there will always be an alternate prize for those outside of the US and/or Canada in our contests/challenges from here on out. Unless we do something only physical in an extremely rare circumstance for a special idea myself am working on.
  • I think physical prizes are cooler, but digital prizes are a lot more practical and easier to distribute.
  • Physical prizes plseas. I don't have any playmats at all.
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