Distant Tribes Relationship.

There are a lot of tribal decks out there, Commander, standard, modern and so on.
What there are way fewer of are tribal decks focused on two or more creature types.

That is what this contest will be all about:
Cards with focus on multiple tribes.
There is no limit to the amount of tribes as long as there is at least two.

Example cards
image image image

The judging will as usual be based on creativity, balance, strengths, flavor, artwork.
But also:
The creativity of the chosen creature types: Humans and Knights are technically two different tribes but their combination is not very interesting.
If and how well they work together: Are the creature types just there together or do they work together? Kaalia does not need either Demons or Dragons in her Angel deck to do fine. Saratosha can work with either only Spirits or Pirates but probably works best with both.

Max 5 entries per person.
Up to two old cards are allowed.
If able, provide a source or artist for the artwork used.

1st place: 3 faves of your choice plus a following (worth 2 faves).
2nd place 3 faves of you choice.
3rd place 2 faves of your choice.
Honorable mentions: 1 fave of my choice.

Deadline is Saturday 31st of August.

Good luck and happy smithing!


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