Who enjoys or is interested in Planechase for MTG?

Hello fellow cardsmiths, myself have bought Planechase: Anthology set to attain all the Plane and Phenomenon cards alongside a dice made for it.

So myself wanted to ask you, if you were interested in the sub-format of Planechase. Please chat in the comments below about your favorite things about Planechase and your experiences with it.

Also, if this thread gets enough support, thy may giveaway a Planechase Anthology away at a later date.

That's all and happy smithing!



  • Also, mention what some of your favorite Planechase cards are so far! Would love to hear your favorites.
  • I bought the Planechase: Anthology around the time it came out, but I regret I haven't gotten as much mileage off it as I would have liked. I have them sleeves in a box to carry them in my card bag, but people haven't taken a shine to the idea much yet. I hope to get more use in the future. I'm glad to own in whenever I do get to use in the future. It has plenty of cool cards that acompany it.
  • Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you get the time to enjoy it.
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