Fitting everything into the text box

I hope this is the right place to post this. Anyways, I've started making some cards, but I've had quite a bit of text which doesn't fit completely into the card's text box. I also noticed that there are other cards which have been able to fit humongous amounts without going off the border. Is this something that Premium users get? And if not, how do I make the font size smaller? I looked in a lot of places on the forum, the only tip I found was to put italics between lines (yes, I did tick the smaller text option).


  • @GrabTheCheese hello! Here's a tip:

    You can use spacing. You will constantly have to go back and forth from the preview window/tab to the window/tab your working on the card from. Also, if it's too much, try to shorten what the card does. If there isn't enough room for text, chances are that you are trying to do too much with one card. Simplicity is quality sometimes. It's easy to make a card with lots of abilities, the true challenge comes from making the card work the way you want to while being simplified as much as possible. If you want you can browse my cards on my profile. I have a lot of cards where I dont use small text. (I do use small text sometimes but most of the time its not necessary for my cards.)

    I hope this helps!
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