Brew your own commander! challenge (Closed due to technical issues!)

Hello fellow cardsmiths, myself am disappointed by the amount of cardsmiths entering the following thread listed below. So myself am starting a challenge with the prize being 2 months of premium subscription for the top commander pairing posted.

All entries to this challenge will be included in the challenge listed here!
Theorycrafting Challenges: Request commanders here for future challenges!

In addition, the cardsmith who makes the best suitable reanimator commander, excluding the aforementioned winner, if any attempt to, gets 2 months of premium subscription.

So the theme for this challenge is commanders that are competitive as in 8->10 on the power scale.

They can be any commander(s) that are new as of the beginning of today. Except you may enter up to one old commander(s) pairing.

-----Here comes the rules/guidelines-----

What are the requirements?
1) They must include 2 or more colors, among the commander pairing.
2) They must be legendary creature(s).
3) They must have a strong strategy or strategies that synergize.
4) The card must be able to function only with official WotC cards, in the 98->99.

Additional Rules:
1) No entry limit for commander pairings.
2) Up to one old commander pairing may be entered
3) You must credit the artist on the card.

Time to get crazy with some of your ideas!



This discussion has been closed.