Long Time No See... Now Make it Quick I'm Busy

Hey there everyone! I have been gone for almost exactly a year, but I'm back now! In that period I've had quite a few good ideas for cards, but never had the time to finish them. Have you ever felt like that?

Anyhow, for my first contest, I would like cards related to the ever present flow of time but, specifically, messing with it. Now, sure, you could just slap suspend or vanishing on a card, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for. What I'm looking for is unique, flavorful, and outside of the box ideas, such as this gal here:


You get the idea? Okay, great. Anyhow, I wish you all luck in this, my first challenge!

Edit: Oh yeah, rules. Okay, I've never been the best at setting boundaries, but let's see how this goes.

-- Only three entries per person.
-- New cards (made on or after 2/12/2020) only.
-- Joke cards allowed.
-- No more entries after February 21. I should have them judged by either the 22nd or 23rd.

First -- Three favorites of their choice and a follow.
Second and Third -- Three favorites of their choice.
Honorable Mentions and Above -- Their winning card gets favorited.


This discussion has been closed.