Un Challenge Francais! (A French Challenge!)

Personnes parlant anglais !

Welcome to the french contest ! I'm EmolgAn , a french men and I simth many cards. ( not so many , just a few in fact) but all ( expect the first ones) was smithe d in not my native language, french. I wrote all my cards in english and I truly thanks all cardsmith who helped me with traduction. But now, it's my turn to help you ! In fact, I want you to make a french card ! And for helping you , you can ask me to help with translation !

Yeah, think it's sad that we're a few other people who forced to talk English so I'll force you to talk some French. Great, isn't it ? Let's see the règles

- All cards must be created in French !
- No joke cards allowed except for jokes with Frenchs.
- Limited to 3 entries per cardsmith
- Deadline fixed to March, 4
- In French we use accents for a few words but cardsmith don't allow it so errors of accents doesn't count.
- To ask me a question, you can found me on discord or here, in PM !

To get help , you can post you card here before entering ! : https://forums.mtgcardsmith.com/discussion/5050/let-s-french-translate-your-card


Honorable mention: 1 favorites of your choice!
3rd place: 3 favourites of your choice!
2nd: 5 favourites of your choice !
1st: 7 favourites of your choice !


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