Planes and Factions

Discounting the Quasi-Elemental planes, the D&D cosmology has 32 planes.
And in Magic, there are 32 factions if you count Colorless.

32 and 32.

So I matched them up to the best of my ability. It's not obvious or neat how they map because Magic is divided into five colors, while the planes are divided in a lot of ways - but never into multiples of five.

1 NG Elysium Green
2 NGCG Happy Hunting Grounds Selesnya
3 CG Arboria Gruul
4 CNCG Gladsheim, Realm of Heroes Boros
5 CN Limbo Colorless
6 CNCE Pandemonium Izzet
7 CE The Abyss Golgari
8 NECE Tartarus Black
9 NE Hades, The Gray Waste Dimir
10 NELE Gehenna Red
11 LE The Nine Hells Rakdos
12 LNLE Acheron Orzhov
13 LN Nirvana, the Clockwork Plane White
14 LNLG Arcadia Azorius
15 LG Celestia, The Seven Heavens Blue
16 NGLG Bytopia, The Twin Paradises Simic

17 N The Concordant Opposition Yore (nongreen)

18 Elemental Air Bant
19 Elemental Water Esper
20 Elemental Fire Naya
21 Elemental Earth Jund

22 Prime Material 5 Color

23 Astral Plane Temur
24 Ethereal Plane Abzan
25 Plane of Shadows Sultai
26 Ordinal Plane Mardu

27 Positive Jeskai
28 Negative Grixis

29 Smoke Ink (nonblack)
30 Ice Witch (nonred)
31 Magma Dune (nonblue)
32 Slime Glint (nonwhite)

Can you see any factions you would switch?
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