Also, I don't see fallen angels in Deeplands. I think they would be scattered across Midland ({r}{g}) and A few in Highlands, who are hiding their identity ({w}{b}).
But that's how I see them. I would like to know your input, too.
First up, I think that deepland angels would be more primitive, probably Mardu. Second up, while it mostly does good, I think it should do more than just give the creatures a boost. Hear me out here, what if we had three different hearts? Or maybe the heart could give out keyword counters? Perhaps whenever you cast an instant/sorcery, put a trample counter on target creature. And we can always make a keyword for the deeplands.
Yes, I realize that, but I've already plopped some in from when I first started this set, and some of the cards it's on might seem a tad off without it.
I say this as a christian, but in mtg we've seen how demons and angels are quite diffrent.
But that's how I see them. I would like to know your input, too.
It would probably use it's physic influence to control the monsters of Deepland.(?)
I would like you input too, @LordTachanka123.
Second up, while it mostly does good, I think it should do more than just give the creatures a boost.
Hear me out here, what if we had three different hearts?
Or maybe the heart could give out keyword counters?
Perhaps whenever you cast an instant/sorcery, put a trample counter on target creature.
And we can always make a keyword for the deeplands.
What if we had one heart for all 3 of the creature types?
(How do you mean?)
And they'll have to be the creature type that they're bolstering, so the Heart of the Deeplands can bolster them.
Which means I failed.
Maybe have leviathan in a rare cycle of monocolor, and then a final 3rd uncommon cycle?
Heart of the Deeplands
- Heart of Nightmares {u}{b} (Nightmares)
- Heart of the Aberrations {b}{g} (Insects, horrors)
- Heart of the Deep {g}{u} (Leviathans, octopus, squid, fish)
- Heart of Sin {b}{r} (Demons, devils, imps, 'angels')
Does this seem reasonable?