I know that I'm technically skipping around, but I think we need to decide which planeswalkers we're going to have on this plane. We've already made up 3 new ones(Hyena man, hyena and boy, and Sylla:https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/sylla-charming-explorer) but we haven't chosen returning planeswalker.
List of ideas(Just tell me who you want on here):
Tibalt:Just so I can use this card The Wanderer: Since she's so vague, we can do alot with her. Rowan/Will/Garruk:These three come in a pack, so I don't think it will be possible, but I still like the idea. Serra:Since the Rezatta set is reviving her, we can use her here. Huatli:To represent the Mid/deeplands.
I think the one we could use is Serra, as the 'guardian' of the Highlands. It also makes sense because there are fallen angels, so the Highlands will have angels (similar use as Boros) and the fallen angels would be the traitors and such.
@LordTachanka123, I think we should choose one of the PWs that we made for the Midlands (one of the Hyena PWs) and also make one for the Deeplands (none so far) and the Highlands (Serra, who I will make).
Green-White: Destiny/Fate(I know I'm obsessed, but I think fate would work well) Red-Black: Courage and Death(Died in some heroic way I guess, like norse myths) Blue-Black:Curiosity, getting knowledge out of the dead(Maybe an exile theme) White-Blue:Tactical brilliance Green-Red: Partying, discard then draw(I'm thinking satyr tribal)
Fate {Cost}-Cast this creature for for its Fate cost, then exile. You may cast it from exile for it's fate cost. If you do, it has haste. Feel free to reword it.
Destiny — When [card name] enters the battlefield, choose a phase if you haven't already. (The chosen phase is chosen for all other creatures with destiny that you control.) {Enchantments, creatures}
Destiny — When [card name] enters the battlefield, if you cast this spell during the chosen phase, [effect]{Instants, sorceries}
Fate — Fate [mana cost] (You may cast this spell for it's fate cost. If you do, sacrifice it when it enters the battlefield.) {Creatures}
Fate — When [card name] enters the battlefield, if you've sacrificed a creature this turn, [effect]
Bravery — When [card name] dies, [effect] {creatures}
Curiosity — Curiosity will be similar to scrying / surveilling. {all}
Fate will be similar to this ability this card has that I made:
Bravery (we can change the name, if we want. I don't like it much) is when the person dies, it would leave an effect on other cards, similar to Martyr for the Cause:
That's all I have for now. Make sure to give me any concerns with these abilities.
Had another idea, what if we do some sort of ally colored cycle for the highlands, monocolored cycle for the midlands, and enemy colored cycles for the deeplands?
The only problem with the curiosity mechanic is that curiosity is already technically a thing in mtg: They then put this things ability onto creatures normally. Kind of like stalk.
I know that I'm technically skipping around, but I think we need to decide which planeswalkers we're going to have on this plane. We've already made up 3 new ones(Hyena man, hyena and boy, and Sylla:https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/sylla-charming-explorer) but we haven't chosen returning planeswalker.
List of ideas(Just tell me who you want on here):
Tibalt:Just so I can use this card
The Wanderer: Since she's so vague, we can do alot with her.
Rowan/Will/Garruk:These three come in a pack, so I don't think it will be possible, but I still like the idea.
Serra:Since the Rezatta set is reviving her, we can use her here.
Huatli:To represent the Mid/deeplands.
Also, the deeplands aren't necessarily against the highlands, and they're also not evil.
There just more primitive.
Which we can remake, but needs to be immortality
Red-Black: Courage and Death(Died in some heroic way I guess, like norse myths)
Blue-Black:Curiosity, getting knowledge out of the dead(Maybe an exile theme)
White-Blue:Tactical brilliance
Green-Red: Partying, discard then draw(I'm thinking satyr tribal)
Feel free to reword it.
- Destiny — When [card name] enters the battlefield, choose a phase if you haven't already. (The chosen phase is chosen for all other creatures with destiny that you control.) {Enchantments, creatures}
- Destiny — When [card name] enters the battlefield, if you cast this spell during the chosen phase, [effect]{Instants, sorceries}
- Fate — Fate [mana cost] (You may cast this spell for it's fate cost. If you do, sacrifice it when it enters the battlefield.) {Creatures}
- Fate — When [card name] enters the battlefield, if you've sacrificed a creature this turn, [effect]
- Bravery — When [card name] dies, [effect] {creatures}
- Curiosity — Curiosity will be similar to scrying / surveilling. {all}
Fate will be similar to this ability this card has that I made:Bravery (we can change the name, if we want. I don't like it much) is when the person dies, it would leave an effect on other cards, similar to Martyr for the Cause:
That's all I have for now. Make sure to give me any concerns with these abilities.
No offense, of course. But I didn't get it when I read it.
This is what it does:
And not Zombies @The-DM, Amhal.
For the ally cycle
They then put this things ability onto creatures normally. Kind of like stalk.