An Idea I Didn't Have (Ongoing Challenge)

First: To begin post a requirement that is 10 or less words. Example: A creature that has menace and makes you gain life.
Try to be creative, this is meant to be challenging.

Second: Every Sunday I will randomly choose one of those requirements (Maybe two, depends what they are) and I will post a card that fits those requirements(As an example). (@Dizzydude @LordTachanka123 can also post an example if they want)  then until Saturday you can make a card that fits the requirements. 

Third: On Saturday me, @Dizzydude, and @LordTachanka123 will each judge your card on a scale of 1 to 10. The card that has the most total points gets a favorite from each of us on that card, and the card of their choice.

Note: This is just for fun, and it is meant to be fun and challenging. And a nice way to get favorites.

Note 2: When your requirement is used, you may submit a new one.

Note 3: You requirement cannot already be on the current list of requirements. (Which I post every once and a while.)

Please credit artist: You get an additional 5 points for artist credit.

Judges: @Fantastickill7, @Dizzydude, and @LordTachanka123

I'm tagging everybody who wanted me to do this.
@murkletins, @shadow123, @The-DM, @Alextorrez6, @SpellPiper2213, @KorandAngels, and @Abu_Jafar


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