Tachanka's CTU



  • @ranshi I don’t want to debate on something so pointless.
  • You can think that Tachanka. 
  • @Ranshi, I'm not saying we're smarter, I'm saying that homeschool helps you learn better. Apologies if you are a teacher.
  • You're 12 and you likely have only been home schooled. You're not in a position to make such judgements...
  • Actually, this is only my second year homeschooling @Ranshi.
  • Regardless, you haven't been involved in the actual school system long enough, and you're basing your deduction on personal experience. According to data, while in earlier years, home-school is better in the regards of fundamentals, it quickly falls flat as the concepts grow more difficult. It also doesn't provide the necessary social interactions that are required for maturation, and on average, most home-schooled students perform worse on national and statewide tests than those of the standard curriculum.

    Remind me: What was the point of this thread again?
  • 1:Strange, me and all my friends have learned better whilst homeschooling. Nvm.
    2:To start up a CTU for my lord Tachanka, in which we would shoot terrorists.


  • As I said, in early schooling, it has its merits. 

    And I am questioning why that premise is on the forums...
  • Because I am a R6 fan, and I know I'm not the only one here on the Forums.
  • Anyways @Ranshi, is my card for you good?|
  • Isn't R6 rated M? You're a little young to be playing it...
  • Quite Possibly, but its not nearly as bad as you might think. With all the gunshots, you can't even hear Thermite cussing @Ranshi. Anyways, I'm gonna go eat pasta, brb.
  • I used to play Halo before I knew how to add double digits.
    And I'd say that the education level is based on the student and teacher. It isn't necessarily better than public, but it can be easily molded to the student's needs. I was in public up until 4th grade, and I've been homeschooled for about 3 or 4 years.
  • @LordTachanka123
    1. Statistics provide more believable data rather than an opinion from a kid like you.
    2. If you want to shoot terrorists (virtually), go play a virtual shooter game. Otherwise you are going to need to use guns and actual terrorists.
  • @Fallen_Lord_Vulganos
    1.Statistics can prove a lot, but in my personal belief, it depends on the kid. We all learn differently, and I've learned more in homeschool than elsewhere. This will not be true for all people though.
    2.I'm currently away, so I can't play any video games, and also, I don't think they're gonna let me join a CTU.  
  • So yall are going to ignore what i said earlier?
  • No, sorry @Bowler218, your completely right.
  • @LordTachanka123 I guess I shouldn’t have said anything. Also, this is probably the wrong place to be debating this.
  • Hey guys #HomeschoolGangAsWell
  • Bemp. Bump. Bomp. Bimp. Bamp. 

This discussion has been closed.