The Great Designer Search (by LordTachanka123)

In light of the recent design philosophy at WOTC, we have begun a search for a great designer that CAN combine innovation and balance.

We will present 5 challenges for you to rise up to and prove your ability to design, innovate, and balance.
Competitors will be eliminated after each challenge until 3 remain.

No old cards
No Joke cards
Only 1 entry per competitor

Challenge 1:

Inspired by the recent MTGcardsmith blog, "CCC: odd color out", the first challenge is to create four-color cards that represent possible design space of these color identities. 

We want you to design four-color cards that emphasize the absence of the fifth color.

This challenge will end on June 8th at 11:59 PM Pacific Time

Cards will be judged by Me, LordTachanka123, and The-DM

All the following challenges will be 5 days long



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