REzatta Themed Commander Precons (5 wedge precons) All Are Welcome

edited June 2020 in Custom Card Sets
Ningyouk said it was okay if we made commander precons themed around Rezatta, currently, in this thread, we are going to look at the draft archetypes of Rezatta along with its mechanics and think of themes for the different decks. Then we will move onto the new cards, and finally the reprints. Similar to Ikoria, we can take different prevalent themes without commanders and translate them here such as Art Theft and The CHurch of Serra. Even though Ikoria had General Kudro, we still got a creature better suited to being the commander in the precons Jirina Kudro, we could do something similar here, for now, we're just brainstorming possible themes. Everyone is welcome to help. 

Rezatta  VISION DESIGN PHASE  MTG Cardsmith Community Forums

The world of Rezatta is still growing in lore and anything is possible at this time, however as the Lore becomes Solid and understandable making these precons will be easier. Currently Eco is the main character and we could do something around that for one of the precons.

The uncommons will be organised around ten bicoloured draft archetypes. As we need to expand upon the themes of the commons, the five ally-coloured archetypes need to follow the distribution of the five common wedge themes:

WU: Second spell-matters. (Disruptive Aggro)
UB: Art tribal recursion (Combo)
BR: Suicide aggro (Turbo Aggro)
RG: Even life growth (Midrange)
GW: Serran life-matters (Control)

In addition, the five enemy-coloured archetypes need to connect the two wedge themes they're sharing. For instance, RW is shared between, WUR second spell-matters and BRW suicide aggro, maybe it could care about small cheap creatures for instance, as they're both good in a turbo aggro deck and it's easy to cast two per turn. Those archetypes are open to suggestion, I have proposed one example below but it's not decided yet:

WB: Life swings (Disruptive/Midrange) Care both about gaining and losing life.
UR: Discover-matters (Disruptive/Control) Cares about the mechanic discover.
BG: Graveyard (Combo/Midrange) Cares about the graveyard.
RW: Weenies (Aggro/Disruptive) Cares about small cheap creatures.
GU: Masterwork (Midrange/Combo) Cares about the mechanic masterwork. "We could connect 2 of these and make Shards, while still staying in the lore of Rezatta, for example, we could show an aspect of Art thiefs for Esper, or  for Esper we could show a different aspect of the church of Serra"


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