Setting the Scene - Theros

First, a disclaimer thing. This is basically an idea test. It might end up being terrible. We'll see.

Skip to the bottom of all of this for a short version if you lack the time or patience. I really don't blame you, I'm rambling like a madman here.


One of my favorite things in Magic is how the many cards of a set come together together to paint a wonderful picture of overall flavor, not just through flavor text but with art, abilities and mechanics. Whether it's the re-imagining of Egyptian beliefs and customs on Amonkhet or Kaladesh showing an entire plane coming together for a celebration of their creativity over undercurrents of a controlling leading body, it's always something I look forward to with each new set. It also got me thinking: why not make a contest about it?

Of course, that idea hit an immediate wall. Since what I like is the overall flavor effect you get built up over many cards, single-card entries wouldn't really achieve the desired effect. Of course, the obvious answer to that is multi-card entries, and so that's what we're doing!

My final thought was that it'd be good to give it some cohesion. It's much nicer to see everybody creating things with a good common theme in mind, rather than lots of people basing their cards on lots of different plane-flavors. It also makes my judging process a lot easier. Look, I'm lazy, okay? As such, I'm also setting a specific plane... Theros!

Merrily borrowed art from Mythic Odysseys of Theros' cover. It's by Jason Rainville.


Well, that was convoluted and basically pointless. I apologise. The contest will probably be closed from further entries so that I can judge on September 10th, which should give you about three weeks. Now, time to list the rules and stuff:

 - Entries will be made in three-card "packs". You can enter up to two separate packs. There's no specific goal or specifications for what's in a pack beyond the fact that it should be three cards. You could have all three cards fit a single theme, or try to paint an overall picture of the plane, or something else entirely.

 - Entries will be judged as full packs. As such, it might not be a good idea to just assume that a single good idea will be able to muscle through unless it's backed up by other good ideas in its packet.

 - A few notes about the judging process. I'll have a significant focus on overall pack flavor, of course, so remember that the flavor's important. Failure to credit artists will heavily impact entries, and not in a good way. You should probably stay away from art that's already been used on real cards. I'm not going to lynch people for not a Theros set symbol or whatever, so don't worry about it.

Prizes will be favorites, as is traditional. All cards in winning packs will get favorites, and winners will also receive some favorites on other cards.

To save time, a list of the mechanics throughout the four sets set on Theros:

Theros - Monstrosity, Heroic, Bestow, Devotion, Scry
Born of the Gods - Inspired, Tribute, Heroic, Bestow, Devotion, Scry
Journey into Nyx - Constellation, Strive, Inspired, Heroic, Heroic, Bestow, Devotion, Scry
Theros Beyond Death - Constellation, Devotion, Escape


Short Version 

Make three-card packets of cards designed as though from one of the Theros sets. Try to make the cards feel flavorful and as though they could be in a set. Feel happy if you didn't read all of that text above to get here. Closes September 10th.


  • I'm also interested to hear whether this seems like a good way to set up a contest or not, since it's a bit different to the normal way people do them. I'm wondering whether it's something I could bring back again every once in a while, focusing on a different plane each time.
  • Sounds cool. I like the idea of starting a contest like this. I really like delving into the flavor of a set, so this is golden to me.

  • Sorry for this one, I couldn't find the artist.

  • The last one might need some tweaking, but here is Pack 1.
    main idea here is Heliod's chosen emissary traveling Theros, bringing justice and order. In a time of strife when the undead are breaking out of the underworld, she marshals the forces of the great cities to stave off the coming onslaught, with the blessing of both Heliod and his mount/familiar Argos.
  • I'm no longer willing to do this. I created it in a not-really-mentally-focused spur of the moment thing, and now I'm regretting doing so. Apologies to anybody whose time's been wasted by me doing this, primarily @SNAPcreator7 and @Revan since they've made cards. @Corwinnn , I'd appreciate it if you could either close or delete this thread. Again, sorry.
This discussion has been closed.