Cheap Mana Rocks.

We have seen many and I mean many forms of mana rocks in the way of having such low mana cost and not enough harm. I am curious just how you all could find ways to balance out such simple costs. 

In this people can make up to 6 entries of there own mana rocks with some balancing techniques. 
You will be voted based on the name, rarity, flavor text, balance of the card and artwork.

1. Do not use artwork and flavor text that is already on a real mtg card.
2. Old Cards are allowed.
3. Card Cost must be 0-2 Mana

1st Place: All 6 cards favorited + a Follow
2nd Place: 3 cards favorited
3rd Place: 1 card favorited.

End Date for Entries will be at the end of November.

Other than that have fun.


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