404 Contest Not Found

We've all seen the 404 cards. Whenever you try to view a card that doesn't exist anymore, when you mistype a link, and in many more ways. (If you didn't, go to https://mtgcardsmith.com/user/hahalol )

For this contest, I would like you to make your own 404 card.

Cards don't have to be named 404 but have to be related in some way.

Cards can be unset but don't have to be.

Old cards allowed (but I doubt you have any)

Edit: WOAH! I DIDN'T THINK YOU HAD THAT MANY OLD CARDS. Only 1 old allowed from now on. People who have already posted can keep multiple

1 - 5 favs and a trophy card
2 - 4 favs and a trophy card
3 - 3 favs and a trophy card
If 7+ people join:
4, 5, 6, 7 - trophy card


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