Final Masters - The Debut
Hello there! I'm your friendly neighborhood... joemamajoe!
Today I'm going to show you what my new masters set, Final Masters, is about.
Two Spoiler Cards
Until next time...
Today I'm going to show you what my new masters set, Final Masters, is about.
Final Masters is a record-breaking set in terms of price, and cards. It will be the most expensive masters set ever, and the most expensive set in nearly 20 years. In the set itself, there are plenty of expensive cards, and cards that haven't seen much print.Two Spoiler Cards
- Sliver Legion
- Food Chain
Where Can I See The Cards?
Spoiler season starts on Dec 5th, and I will post the cards on new discussions, but just like how WotC does it, I will post all cards from the spoilers on a Card Image Gallery.Until next time...
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