New Tommian Design Corner - Worldbuilding & Lore

edited May 2021 in Custom Card Sets
Hello, and welcome to New Tommia! We have plenty to show you, but for now, sit tight while we get introductions underway for the official worldbuilding page!

Back when I first joined and was going by JBYT_LoadedTommy, my first world was Tommia, how this profile got its name. It was a futuristic world where technology had gotten out of hand and aliens were invading. Weird, wacky, and all that seemed to matter was the crappy story of a self insert gone wrong and a bunch of poorly designed cards. Since then, I've changed a lot. My worldbuilding has gotten dramatically better if Stitia is anything to go by, my card balancing has gotten significantly better (mostly thanks to the helpful folks on the Camaraderie Discord server!), and I've managed to establish a mild sense of continuity; no matter how crazy the subject matter is, I've learned to make things at least somewhat cohesive. This set has been on my mind since December 2019, but I've been holding off until a good time to unveil it. I think that time's now, time to introduce Tommia post-mending!

~ Enter the Hyperbase

Image Credit - Service Station Space by M-Delcambre on DeviantArt

Welcome to Elysium, a massive continent sized space station orbiting the planet of Terra. Unlike other planes, the people of New Tommia have very much discovered space travel, and live in a futuristic/cyberpunk world where everyday life is actively fueled by technology. Its denizens are quite diverse, but primarily consist of humans, elves, cyborgs, constructs, and animal folk. This set lore wise is a tch heavy on political intrigue, but gameplay focuses on five four-color factions and their two-color divisions. They'll be introduced in detail later, but for now, the factions are as follows...

AUG-6: Cybernetics and Bionics (BRGW)

  • Mission: To make Cybernetics available to everyone, and to fully integrate them into society.
  • Face (GW): softCore, which focuses on enhancements that aid everyday life and empower individuals to do more.
  • Heel (BR): Blitztek, which focuses on cybernetics for wartime.
  • Mechanic: Implant (If you cast this card for its implant cost, it's an Equipment spell that enters the battlefield attached to target creature. Sacrifice it when it becomes unattached.)

EVA-Corp: Genetics and Bioengineering (GWUB)

  • Mission: To create the perfect specimen, and incorporate genetic engineering into everyday life.
  • Face (GU): The ADAM Test, which is searching for a way to break the human limiter.
  • Heel (WB): Project Eternitus, which is searching to unlock immortality.
  • Mechanic: Proliferate

Group #0: Magic and Arcana (UBRG)

  • Mission: To unlock the true potential of magic and use it to aid society.
  • Face (UR): Task Force Jynx, which uses magic to protect the masses and create marvels.
  • Heel (BG): Cult of Thexel, which seeks to use magic for its own personal gain.
  • Mechanic: Surge

SinthTeq: Engineering and Technology (WUBR)

  • Mission: To better society with cutting edge advancements in technology and network infrastructure.
  • Face (RW): Geer Engineering, which focuses on vehicles and more tangible forms of tech.
  • Heel (UB): Sync, which focuses on AI and Cybertechnology.
  • Mechanic: Metalcraft

Earthen Bound: Restoration and Nature (RGWU)

  • Mission: To restore humanity to its prior state before the collapse of Terra.
  • Face (RG): The Genesis Rebels, which seek a full return to nature via rebellion.
  • Heel (WU): The Authority of Vain, which seek to use the law to keep society from repeating its past mistakes.
  • Mechanic: Militia - ...if you control three or more creatures...
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