Killing the Sun - A Worldbuilding Project with Cards
In addition to a silly and niche wrestling set I'm doing already, I have decided to convert some old extensive worldbuilding for D&D campaign that never took off into a custom Magic set, as this seemed a good use of it. Concept is thus:
The Sun is the God of The World, and his rays carry the laws that the earth must follow, known as The Natural Law. For all that the light can touch, they are bound by the Sun's most important law: All living things must have their time. They must age, and thusly all must eventually die.

A thousand years ago, The Dragonborn, Orcish and Dwarven peoples of the earth separately realised that by moving underground, to places the light had never touched, they were outside of The Sun's reach. They reach unnatural lifespans without physically aeging a day. The Sun saw this as an abomination, and created an order of angels to descend upon the earth and ensure that all were compliant. On-and-off warfare and subterfuge has ensued for the 1,000 years since.

The Card text formatting really said 'why use many word when few word do trick'
I have lots of stuff in my brain (and old D&D notes) that I'm excited to work on and share. Looking for ideas on funny things I can do with -1/-1 counters (which represent ageing), the day/night mechanic, and just reviews on whether or not my stuff is any good I guess lol. Enjoy or don't, the cards will be cooked up regardless.
You like to mess with -1/-1 counters?
I got two cards that "ages" then dies from it!