Card Questing: A Contest of Storytelling, Cardmaking, and Heroic Prowess



  • @FireOfGolden
    Suddenly, a portal opens, and swallows up Error. Please don't summon helpers during a fight, at least until I give you a challenge to make a helper. Anyway, the first Guildmage is squashed into a mushy substance, but the second Guildmage pokes Ink with a red hot poker for 2 damage, leaving Ink as a 5/3. Ink's turn, what will Ink do? 
  • ?…I'll start with a tech expansion then.
  • My bad!

    "Oh. Well, I guess I shouldn't do that. Oh well." Ink cleaned his voice. "SMACK YOUR OPPONENT!" Ink screamed as he would jump ahead to his enemy and bonked that enemy in the face. He also passed out!

    Now, that's over! What should I do next?
  • edited August 2023
    Expansion Card Challenge: Create an uncommon artifact with mana value 2 or less if it's colored, or 3 or less if it's colorless. It cannot be colored of a color other than one of Nigredo's colors, and its rules text cannot mess with colors other than Nigredo's colors, except with protection effects.

    The other Guildmage also turns into mushy goo.
    Quest complete! Purify the Cultists. Rewards: 500 XP, plus 100 Silver Stars. What will Ink do now? Continue questing, or write some story?

  • Are custom mechanics ok? I'm considering using Alchemize from this collection.
  • edited August 2023
    I didn't specify you couldn't, so go ahead

    I saw your hero, would Agnor like to quest, or will you write story. Also Agnor should be rare, but it's okay because max mana is 5 and Agnor costs 4.
  • Expansion Card Challenge: Create an uncommon artifact with mana value 2 or less if it's colored, or 3 or less if it's colorless. It cannot be colored of a color other than one of Nigredo's colors, and its rules text cannot mess with colors other than Nigredo's colors, except with protection effects.

    Alchemists Mortar

    Time for another quest to break in the new gear.
  • @kaoz42 Hit me another quest.
  • edited August 2023
    Nigredo finds a quest to persuade invading hobgoblins to parley, or defeat them if the negotiations fail. 
    How negotiation works:
    - You may begin with any statement, or a persuasive statement. For persuasive statements, I will roll a digital d20. If the roll hits or exceeds the negotiation's difficulty class, the other party's attitude will shift one category toward the friendly direction. If it fails, the attitude will shift one category toward the unfriendly direction. If you have a positive charisma score, I will add it to the roll to get a final result.
    This negotiation has difficulty class 14, and Nigredo's charisma score is 0. What statement will Nigredo begin with?

    Ink finds a quest to battle angered nature spirits who have been ravaging local buildings. As Ink heads toward the neighborhood where the most attacks have been reported, a nature spirit jumps out onto Ink's path.
    Fight! Wave 1 vs. x1 Blossom Prancer

    However before Ink can take a turn, the prancer's ETB triggers, and it reveals and casts this:

    Creating a 1/1 spirit:

    Ink's turn, what will Ink do? Ink cannot attack two creatures at a time.
  • @kaoz42 is there any context to this situation? (I.e. am I actually coming up with dialogue for this encounter, or do I just declare whether or not I want to roll diplomacy?)
  • edited August 2023
    Ink would then procced to smack Blossom Prancer in the face with a oversized paintbrush.
  • edited August 2023
    Yes, there actually is dailogue, but you still have to declare whether or not you would like to roll.

    The Blossom Prancer dissolves into many flower petals that catch the wind and fly off, but the Saga triggers, puts a +1/+1 on the spirit, making it a 2/2, and then it attacks Ink for 2 damage, making Ink a 5/3. Ink's turn, what will Ink do?
  • Welp, since Nigredo has no information to work with…

    The robed orc faces the mob of hobgoblins with an exasperated sigh. "Are you all really so eager to rush to your deaths?" He pulls a fist-sized pill from one sleeve. "The guards are preparing to shoot you down as we speak, and this smoke bomb is the signal."

    (Attempting diplomacy roll. On a separate note, does activating abilities of other permanents count as a player's action?)
  • @kandra127
    Smack Your Opponent.
  • edited August 2023
    "Humph. You liar. You don't know what you're talking about. " The leader of the hobgoblins says to Nigredo. However, the rest of the hobgoblins show signs of fear in their faces. What will Nigredo say now? (I got 13 and added the +1 racial friendliness bonus. The hobgoblins have shifted from hostile to unfriendly.)

    I am not kandra127. The spirit morphs into nothingness, but the saga triggers transforming into this:

    It attacks Ink for 1 damage, making Ink a 5/2. Then it exiles Blossom Prancer and creates this:

    What will Ink do? Remember, you cannot attack two creatures at a time.
  • edited August 2023
    Whoops! I mean @kaoz42!

    Ink would paint a doodle with a bomb. "Here's we go!" The doodle would run upon Kirin-Touched Orochi, brusts into flames onto it. Kirin-Touched Orochi takes 3 damage.

    "Okay, that's out of the way. Time to smack whatever is this!" Ink said, he would jump toward the spirit then he, while in midair, would wipes spirit off in the face once again.
  • edited August 2023
    "Your beliefs are of no consequence. More importantly, your corpses have minimal value, so this will be easier for all involved if you turn around and leave."

    (Rolling persuasion again. If possible, Nigredo would like to casually pull out the Alchemist's Mortar and start gently grinding a few herbs together, activating its ability.)
  • edited August 2023
    The leader tries to say something, but he's cut off by his minions who mutter "S-s-sorry. W-w-e will l-l-leave 
    s-s-soon." (I got 18, plus 1 for a near critical success. The hobgoblins' attitude is now indifferent. One more well-meant statement will result in a success.)

    Again, please don't summon helpers. The paper bomber is cut in half by giant scissors, then thrown into the Universal trash can. The orochi falls to the ground and morphs with the ground. The spirit, however, attacks Ink down to a 5/1. Ink's turn, what will Ink do?

  • "Excellent. Go on then; I'd like to make good on my word." (Rolling persuasion again.)
  • @cadstar369
    The hobgoblin leader laughs "Ha! ha! ha! your word is quite good indeed. Well done!" Th other hobgoblins begin to relax. (Failed. They are still indifferent, but if you fail again, they will become unfriendly again.)

  • edited August 2023
    Nigredo finishes shaping the pill in the mortar, casually rolling it around to confirm its integrity. "Need I remind you that there are plenty of guards eager to strike you down? It's in your best interests to leave before they grow tired of my attempts to stall them." (Continuing to roll persuasion.)
  • edited August 2023
    The leader says "Nonsense! You—" but he's cut off by the other hobgoblins, who say "Oh, s-s-sorry, bye." and start running away followed by their leader huffing and puffing "Wait up, idiots!" after them. I got another 13 plus 1 for an exact success.
    Quest complete! Pacify the Hobgoblins. Rewards: 1500 XP, plus 200 Silver Stars. 

    Also, Nigredo has a total of 3000 XP, triggering a:
    Level up! Nigredo has transformed from a Hero into a Paragon.
    What you need to do to level up:
    - You have exactly two points to divide among increasing Nigredo's power and/or toughness.
    - Add an activated ability that costs 3 or less to activate, a triggered ability that has an effect that is worth 2 mana or less, or Nigredo gains haste, trample, skulk, reach, flying, first strike, vigilance, lifelink, or toxic 1 (-1/-1 counter instead of poison counter.)

    Adjust Nigredo's new card's mana cost accordingly.

    Are you still playing? If so, please read and respond to the previous post section that mentions you.
  • @kaoz42
    Right. Ink will finish Spirit off with a paintbrush.
  • What function/value do any of those keyword abilities other than lifelink or toxic provide in this game? (Combat damage is one-sided with no apparent concept of blocking, the [un]tapped status is irrelevant, and I've already fought a flying enemy with no apparent penalty.) Additionally, when (if ever) do players gain access to additional actions and/or instant speed actions?

    In a narrower sense, what can I give Nigredo that will make encounters not completely brainless, considering both he and his artifact effectively have no text in the game's current state? (I have an idea for a triggered ability, but I'd like to at least get a sense of potential options.)
  • @cadstar369
    Flying is for battles with multiple creatures on a single side. For example, if Nigredo attacks a goblin boss, but a goblin rushes in and blocks Nigredo, damage would instead be assigned to the goblin, but if Nigredo had flying, the goblin couldn't do that unless it too had flying. Reach, well, makes the goblin still allowed to do that, even if it can't fly. Trample works the same way as it would in a MTG game in that same type of situation. Haste means Nigredo takes the initiative and always goes first, unless a enemy has haste in which case a d20 will be rolled for each combatant to decide the outcome. Skulk works like flying, except only on creatures with greater power. First strike means that Nigredo would get a chance to attack an enemy of Nigredo's choice before combat starts. Vigilance means Nigredo has "protection from being tapped". As for the artifact not working, Nigredo doesn't have a potion, but I have reworded regenerate: "now regenerate basically gives the creature a shield counter for all damage until its next turn."

    The spirit vanishes into nothingness.
    Quest complete! Crush the Nature Spirits. Rewards: 1000 XP, plus 200 Silver Stars.

    What will Ink do now? A faction expansion for all of Ink's money is available.
  • @kaoz42 Is there a marketplace, where Ink can shop?
  • edited August 2023
    @kaoz42 things like your rework of regenerate are why I say Nigredo effectively has no text. There's no point spending a turn protecting himself because combat doesn't work like it does in normal Magic (i.e. the only result is wasted mana, so the ability might as well not be there). In general, why waste a turn using any abilities when every encounter has clearly been structured under the assumption that the player attacks every turn? This structure also practically invalidates all of the keyword abilities on offer, especially those that would make sense in Nigredo's colors, as they have minimal effect on the overall combat math. Thus, there appears to be no reason to add anything other than a triggered ability, so here's Paragon Nigredo:

    Paragon Nigredo

    He'd like to go on another quest. (I can also prepare another story segment if you'd like.)
  • edited August 2023
    Actually there is a point in regenerating because it blocks the other party from attacking, then allows the player to attack. Adding a story segment would sure be good. Anyway, Nigredo finds a quest to destroy a phyrexian incursion into nearby settlements. After walking for a while, Nigredo spots Aron attempting to dump oil on a struggling villager.
    Fight! Wave 1 vs. Aron, Benalia's Ruin

    Nigredo's ability triggers putting a -1/-1 counter on Aron, but Aron is fast and strikes Nigredo for 2 damage. Nigredo's turn, what will Nigredo do?

    Will Ink expand Ink's faction?, or will Ink head on another quest?
  • Does regenerating no longer cost his action? (That's what makes it useless.) Either way, Nigredo's ability triggers, putting another -1/-1 counter on Aron, then Nigredo activates his Alchemist's Mortar, creating Centella Salve.
    Centella Salve
  • @kaoz42 Expand faction.
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