RPG: The Figure World



  • @cadstar369
    As you take a closer look at the shadow figure, you come to realization that there are two of them. They looks like if they were created by a first-time artist. It seems one of them noticed you and their intention seems hostile.

    You may;
    1) Approach to them
      1.1) Reason with them
      1.2) Fake passive until suddenly attacks
      1.3) Do else
    2) Run toward the forest [ Risk of losting in forest ]
    3) Return to your camp
    4) Do else


    You were serving your master in another world. You and slivers were invading a certain castle. You hear something behind you, so you turn back to behind you. Instead, you found yourself staring at darken forest with full of scary trees. It seems you are almost at the edge of forest to Deep Forest as it is a little darker than usually. It will be a few hours before nightfall.

    You may;
    1) Enter the Deep Forest
    2) Explore the forest
    3) Find a shelter to sleep through night
    4) Do else


    You would carry some of your treasures... And the poor minds that you harvested off the knights you recently defeated and on the way to your cave. You would put the treasures onto the pile of them as you would swallow all consciences to gain their skills. You heard a strange man voice coming from a part of your cave, so you investigates as you assumed that there is a thief trying to steal your. When you passed a boulder, you found yourself looking at the camp, confused. You are in the forest as you can see the camp, however, camp isn't clearly for you to take look at the details as the forest itself is already dark. It will be a few hours before nightfall.

    You may:
    1) Investigate the camp
    2) Explore the forest
    3) Find a shelter to sleep through night.
    4) Do else...

    Welcome aboard, Kaoz42! Now there are three people, three spots remains.

    I would like to let ya guys know that friendly fire is ON (or PVP is active), so that means one of ya guys can be slained by another. Be careful, not all players are good!

    Because of there are three parties at once, I will seem slower than usually. Rpg is paused until ALL players does something. If one of them didn't do anything, I will be wait for them, but I need to know why we must wait for them.
  • I’ll try to find a shelter to sleep through night
  • I will Investigate the camp with my psionics ready.
  • I'll start a conversation from a distance. The strangers might have a better idea of the surrounding area than I do.
  • @smax765
    What would be suitable for your character?
    It may be; house, camp, burrow, tree's root, etc.
  • Anything you want, @FireOfGolden
  • @smax765
    When you allow gamemaster to do something for you, gamemaster WILL have character to do something that's LEAST effort and CLOSEST to achieve such goal. In your case, Auramancer Sliver will move toward the Deep Forest to sleep under the tree because it has swamp-like roots, suitable for shelter from rain. Are you certain about that?
  • edited November 2023

    The Deep Forest

    The forest became darker than usually as the leaves covers up the sky mostly. Beware, this is the place where much larger creature wanders around... No figures would dare step in there, however, something worthwhile loot lies in there.

    As the sun is about fall through forest, you would cross the edge to the Deep Forest. You look for closest tree that's suitable to you, you would attempt to enter the tree, however, there's a shadow you cannot tell in the unnatural darkness through thicked forest. Your prey-like gut warns you to run away. However, courage is running through your vein that you can take the shadow down alone.

    You may;
    1) Get under root for decent protection
    2) Run away from the Deep Forest
    3) Pose your body to be ready to attack.
    4) Do else




    So then you would enter the camp. You would attempt to sniff around, it seems a wolf scent was caught in your nose as you are unable to smell for any more people. Perhaps it's because you could only smell paper and coals that covers all up weaker scents than wolf's. However, the evidence on one of the camps let's you know that there may be two people as one of them made a nest of the camp reveals it may be a pet. As a stick been broken, you rised your head up, listening for any further noise. It seems you are not alone. You are unsure whether they will suddenly come out of shadow and attack you or they will wait until nightfall and ambush you. The question is how you may be perpared or just ignore this foolish noise.

    You may;
    1) Follow noise you just heard
    2) Pose yourself to be ready to battle that may comes
    3) Stay in the camp for the nightfall
    4) Explore the forest
    5) Do else



    You would get at certain distance where you can be heard and they also can be heard. You noticed there are five and two are already in defensive pose. When another looks at you, it became high alarmed as it pulls a sword out. Next figure would throws fellow figure that was kneed onto the ground hard. It seems it been robbed by these then it comes to your recognize; They are criminals.

    Can criminals be reasoned? That's up to you...
    1) Calm the criminals
    2) Attack them to rescue wounded figure
    3) Step back slowly
    4) Do else...


    Since Smax765 haven't responded anything after I asked em, so... I had their characted walked into the Deep Forest, because the tree in there has decent roots that's good for shelter; but will they survive in there? That's the question!
  • Since I'm still at a reasonable distance, may I attempt to appraise their combat ability (i.e. estimate what the criminals would be as Magic cards) before making that decision?
  • I’ll get under the roots to gain some protection. If here is a trap or something, I’ll fall onto it.
  • @cadstar369

    There are two one-level, a two-level, and a three-level.

    You don't know their skills until they uses it. Some of them even don't have skills at all. The level of figures are based on fate AND area. Creatures in forest are more likely to be one level than two level.
  • Welp, as an officer of the law Ogam can't exactly ignore the situation (even if he has no idea what the laws of this realm are), so Ogam will suddenly initiate combat by casting Swift Arrest on the Banditman, wrapping them in ethereal chains. Ogam then attacks an Outlawed Stickman while Fen attacks the Longbowman.
  • @FireOfGolden
    I will get ready to fight, and if the fight doesn't come soon enough, go back to my treasure pile and cozy cave.
  • @cadstar369
    Banditman was taken off guard as its arms were covered with ethernal chains. It seems it is too busy to do anything but try to take it off. You then would knockdown a weak stickman who tried to run away from you with your bare fists. Your companion, Fen, jumps onto Long Bowman. You then heard a thud, you look around and yourself found a wolf lying on the ground with an arrow in its body. It seems that stickman was able to fire its bow on time before Fen even able to land on it. Then you look to right, there's another stickman - looking pathetically- screaming as it runs toward to you. You heard twang from behind you where Fen is lying down.

    Battle Report:

    1) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman, it gets -1/-0 for this turn.
    2) Ogam then attacks an Outlawed Stickman.
    3) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks Long Bowman.
      3.1) In response, Long Bowman casts Direct Hit on Fen.

      3.2) Fen is DOWN, it no longer able to attack and Long Bowman took no damage. (You may being it away from DOWN as long as you have an healing item.)
    4) Outlawed Stickman was dealt damage then died.
    5) It's the enemy turn; Swift Arrest on Banditman ends.
    6) Long Bowman attacks you.
      6.1) In response to Long Bowman becoming tapped, Banditman cause it to untap and gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
      6.2) Long Bowman was tapped deals 3 damage to you.
    7) Outlawed Stickman attacks you.

    Any responses?

  • Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Longbowman before attacks, then uses a Charcoal Leaf on Fen if possible.
  • As Long Bowman tried pull an arrow and release toward you, you yeeted a chain onto it's arms together as it would misses you overhead into the air. You rush to the wounded wolf, you pulled an arrow out and you would feed a black leaf to it.

    Battle Report:

    1) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman, it gets -1/-0 for this turn.
    2) Ogam then attacks an Outlawed Stickman.
    3) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks Long Bowman.
      3.1) In response, Long Bowman casts Direct Hit on Fen.
      3.2) Fen is DOWN, it no longer able to attack and Long Bowman took no damage. (You may being it away from DOWN as long as you have an healing item.)
    4) Outlawed Stickman was dealt damage then died.
    5) It's the enemy turn; Swift Arrest on Banditman ends.
    6) Long Bowman attempted to attack you but been detained.
    7) Outlawed Stickman attacks you.
    8) Ogam gives a charcoaled leaf to Fen, it will be up next turn.
    9) Ogam takes 1 damage from Outlawed.
    10) Ogam's turn begins.
    11) Fen is up now [1 Turn remain]

    Ogam's health is now 1 left.

    It's your turn! What you may do next..?

  • Welp, all we can really do at this point is repeat our first turn: Swift Arrest on Banditman, Ogam attacks the remaining Outlawed Stickman and Fen attacks the Longbowman.
  • @cadstar369

    You gain X life (Restore target creature's health for X.)

    Pay X life (Drain target creature's health for X.)

    Banditman once again been detained, stuck onto the ground. You would punch the pathetic criminal who tried to cover its face down as Fen bounced onto Long Bowman. You heard its scream until it fades away. Banditman then managed to free from the chains. It would brings a sword up; it strikes you with its a blade as it would charges at you.

    Battle Report:

    1) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman, it gets -1/-0 for this turn.
    2) Ogam then attacks an Outlawed Stickman.
    3) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks Long Bowman.
      3.1) In response, Long Bowman casts Direct Hit on Fen.
      3.2) Fen is DOWN, it no longer able to attack and Long Bowman took no damage. (You may being it away from DOWN as long as you have an healing item.)
    4) Outlawed Stickman was dealt damage then died.
    5) It's the enemy turn; Swift Arrest on Banditman ends.
    6) Long Bowman attempted to attack you but been detained.
    7) Outlawed Stickman attacks you.
    8) Ogam gives a charcoaled leaf to Fen, it will be up next turn.
    9) Ogam takes 1 damage from Outlawed.
    10) Ogam's turn begins.
    11) Fen is up now [1 Turn remain]
    12) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman
    13) Ogam attacks Outlawed Stickman
    14) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks
      14.1) Fen attacks Long Bowman
    15) Outlawed Stickman and Long Bowman dies
    16) Your turn ends; enemy's turn begins.
      16.1) Ogam is only damaged creature on the battlefield under your control. Hence, it is healed to its maximum automatically from Characoaled Leaf.
    17) Banditman casts Banditman's Heavy Swing targeting you.
      17.1) When it becomes tapped; it untaps itself and it gets +1/1 until end of turn.
    18) Banditman attacks you.

  • @kaoz42
    You then stand onto the ground, growling at whoever made a noise. You noticed bush shakes. It made some strange sounds, but it is belong to prey rather than predator. Then something crawls out of the bush. It nervously looks around to make sure the place is clear. It seems it haven't noticed you yet.

  • @smax765
    You slip the mud then you draft through the tree's roots. You would stay there and prepared to attack anyone who may attempt to fight you. However, a shadow moved pasted you and its wet steps became weaker and weaker until you can't hear it anymore. It seems either it is not interested in you or haven't noticed you. Seeing the root is clear, you stay there and see if shadow comes back or not. The shadow didn't, and nightfall arrived for you.

    You may;
    1) Sleep
    2) Get out of the Deep Forest
    3) Do else
  • I’ll explore the forest.
  • @smax765
    You will have to wait for others. You will explore once It's night for Cadstar369 and Kaoz42.
  • edited November 2023
    Banditman can't attack because it's detained (detain lasts until the beginning of my next turn), but Heavy Swing forces me to use a second Charcoal Leaf after it resolves. When our turn comes back around, Ogam will cast Swift Arrest, then Ogam and Fen will take down the Banditman and end combat.
  • edited November 2023
    Right, that would be my bad. However, Banditman's Heavy Swing deals for 3 damage to you, detained included. I assume you takes that damage causing you to be DOWN. Then you consumes Characoaled twice during its turn for restore to 1 health. (Your health was -1)

    #2 Battle Report

    1) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman, it gets -1/-0 for this turn.
    2) Ogam then attacks an Outlawed Stickman.
    3) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks Long Bowman.
      3.1) In response, Long Bowman casts Direct Hit on Fen.
      3.2) Fen is DOWN, it no longer able to attack and Long Bowman took no damage. (You may being it away from DOWN as long as you have an healing item.)
    4) Outlawed Stickman was dealt damage then died.
    5) It's the enemy turn; Swift Arrest on Banditman ends.
    6) Long Bowman attempted to attack you but been detained.
    7) Outlawed Stickman attacks you.
    8) Ogam gives a charcoaled leaf to Fen, it will be up next turn.
    9) Ogam takes 1 damage from Outlawed.
    10) Ogam's turn begins.
    11) Fen is up now [1 Turn remain]
    12) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman
    13) Ogam attacks Outlawed Stickman
    14) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks
      14.1) Fen attacks Long Bowman
    15) Outlawed Stickman and Long Bowman dies
    16) Your turn ends; enemy's turn begins.
      16.1) Ogam is only damaged creature on the battlefield under your control. Hence, it is healed to its maximum automatically from Charcoaled Leaf.
    17) Banditman casts Banditman's Heavy Swing targeting you.
      17.1) When it becomes tapped; it untaps itself and it gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
    18) You takes 3 damage and you are DOWN (Banditman's HeavySwing deals for 3 damage as Banditman's power is 3).
      18.1) You uses two Charcoaled Leaf at once. You will be up next turn.
    19) Enemy's turn ends, it's your turn now.
    20) Ogam is only down creature, his health been restored for 2, his health is now 1. (Health was -1) 
    21) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman.
    22) Ogam attacks Banditman
    23) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks Banditman.
      23.1) In response to Fen, Banditman casts Counter the Attack to prevent all damage by Fen would be dealt to Banditman.
    24) Banditman takes 1 damage, its health is now 2.
    25) Your turn ends, the enemy's turn begins.
      25.1) Your health were restored to max.
    26) Banditman do nothing as it is detained.
    27) Enemy turn ends as it is your turn now.
  • If you decided to not edit what System did for you, you will have one mana left as consuming Characoaled Leaf costs you one mana. You payed two mana to use two of em.
  • edited November 2023
    I'll have to rewind to the start of the encounter then; I can't use more than 1 Charcoal Leaf in a round and Fen apparently can't accomplish anything by himself. ??‍♂️
  • @Cadstar369 ;
    You can only rewind, if you and Fen are down. ?

    Call that enemies cannot gain a mana, nor restore health. If it were three level, it would have three mana to use. After that, it's just a duck sitting.
  • edited November 2023
    …sure. ??‍♂️ Then the turn order would have to look like this:
    • Ogam takes 3 from Heavy Swing during the enemy turn, uses a Charcoal Leaf.
    • Ogam heals to 0 during my turn, Fen attacks but deals no damage due to Counter the Strike.
    • Ogam heals to 1 during the enemy turn, casting Swift Arrest before combat so the Banditman can't attack.
    • During the next turn Ogam casts Swift Arrest (force of habit at this point), then Ogam and Fen attack and defeat the Banditman.
  • @cadstar369
    If you would go back to check rule, you will find this;
    Standard enemies cannot heal health or restore mana... However, the boss enemy does...
    While as you correct System, it will look like this;

    Battle Report:

    1) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman, it gets -1/-0 for this turn.
    2) Ogam then attacks an Outlawed Stickman.
    3) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks Long Bowman.
      3.1) In response, Long Bowman casts Direct Hit on Fen.
      3.2) Fen is DOWN, it no longer able to attack and Long Bowman took no damage. (You may being it away from DOWN as long as you have an healing item.)
    4) Outlawed Stickman was dealt damage then died.
    5) It's the enemy turn; Swift Arrest on Banditman ends.
    6) Long Bowman attempted to attack you but been detained.
    7) Outlawed Stickman attacks you.
    8) Ogam gives a charcoaled leaf to Fen, it will be up next turn.
    9) Ogam takes 1 damage from Outlawed.
    10) Ogam's turn begins.
    11) Fen is up now [1 Turn remain]
    12) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman
    13) Ogam attacks Outlawed Stickman
    14) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks
      14.1) Fen attacks Long Bowman
    15) Outlawed Stickman and Long Bowman dies
    16) Your turn ends; enemy's turn begins.
      16.1) Ogam is only damaged creature on the battlefield under your control. Hence, it is healed to its maximum automatically from Charcoaled Leaf.
    17) Banditman casts Banditman's Heavy Swing targeting you.
      17.1) When it becomes tapped; it untaps itself and it gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
    18) You takes 3 damage and you are DOWN (Banditman's HeavySwing deals for 3 damage as Banditman's power is 3).
      18.1) You uses a Charcoaled Leaf
    19) Enemy's turn ends, it's your turn now.
    20) Ogam is only down creature, his health been restored for 1, his health is now 0. (Health was -1) 
    21) Fen gets +2/+1 as it attacks Banditman.
      21.1) In response to Fen, Banditman casts Counter the Attack to prevent all damage by Fen would be dealt to Banditman.
    22) Banditman takes no damage.
    23) Your turn ends, the enemy's turn begins.
      23.1) Your health were restored to 1.
    24) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on Banditman 
    25) Banditman is exhausted and unable to attack.
    26) Enemy turn ends as it is your turn now.
    27) Ogam casts Swift Arrest on detained Banditman, it doesn't stack.
    28) Fen gains +2/+1 as it attacks Banditman 
    29) Ogam attacks Banditman 
    30) Banditman took 3 damage and is slained.

    Battle Results: 

    You and Fen earned 14 Exp and two golds.
    Enemies dropped two equipments;

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