RPG: The Figure World



  • Ogam shrugs, not lowering his guard. "Seeking shelter for the night. What might a dragon be doing in such a mundane place?"
  • @kaoz42
    Please see what Cadstar369 said, it concerns you.
  • @smax765
    System asks you to confirm what did it do for you. If you do, you will get a battle result then proceed to the forest to explore in dark.
  • edited November 2023
    "Well, I have made a lair in this realm, since all the other places are plagued with dragon-slaying, glory-seeking knights that won't leave me in peace." "It looks like you also aren't from this realm, no?" I say to the furry figure.
  • @cadstar369
    Please see what Kaoz42 said, it concerns you.
  • I will do what the system does.
  • @kaoz42 "You could say that. That said, isn't this a rather poor area to make a lair in? It's easily accessible and there's minimal natural defenses. Ah, but where are my manners. I am called Ogam Bluefang. You are…?"
  • @FireOfGolden
    "Me? I am called Ugragos Azurecrest. I came to this realm due to being pursued by the knights of the Just Dawn, who sought to slay me. However, whence I came to this realm, I found most of my power drained from me, perhaps due to the lack of color in this realm. As for a poor lair area, I agree, but I have no choice, I just jumped through the closest portal. Anyway, how did you come up on this realm? I can tell you are a wolfkin, as they call them in my home realm.
  • @kaoz42 Ogam shrugs. "Would that I knew. But the hour has grown late, and the figure needs rest, so if that is all…?"
  • @smax765
    Battle Results:
    You earned 4 exp and looted a wolf's fur.

    After you ambushed the straved wolf, you would left the Deep Forest to regular forest. Then you would explore for short time. However, on your parh, you met a giant figure in front of you. It growls deeply at you. It looks like panda to you, but the second time you take a look, it's a bear!

    You may;
    - Attempt to flee
    - Attack the "panda"
    - Do else...

    @cadstar369 @kaoz42
    As Ogam checked the stickman, it seems the figure is already nursing itself.

    "So, you are Ogam, the wolfman, yes?" Figure said, "My name is Jerryman. I came from Maxman's Kingdom. Don't take this in wrong way, but your kinds, same for the dragon, aren't welcomed there." Jerryman would paused for a moment as it would wraps its leg with a cloth. "You guys said you are from different plane, right? What is it like there?"
  • @FireOfGolden
    First, I will address the figure: "Everything is colored. Knights kill dragons. Elves are sharp-eared, smarter colored figures. Humans are figures. Dwarves are stout, handy colored figures. That's the gist of it." Then, I turn to Ogam: "I propose this: A mutual assistance agreement with the following conditions:
    - I won't help lawbreakers.
    - I won't break laws unless attacked.
    - I won't hurt your friends unless they injured me badly or break the law. How about it?"
  • edited November 2023
    Ogam sighs, half-turning to address Jerryman. "I am a lycan, not a 'wolf-man,' and would appreciate it if you would refrain from using such slurs in my presence. That said, we don't have time for the full epic, so I will speak only of the city I served.

    "It was a lively, mid-sized city, often called the Marble Capital for its extensive use and export of all forms of the beautiful stone. Its people were mostly therians, like myself, of various species. It contained one of the largest branches of the prevailing church, and the festivals and holiday celebrations were always a touch too grandiose for my taste. There was certainly never any shortage of work around those times…"

    Trailing off, the lycan then turns back to Ugragos, one brow raised. "While I may be inclined to accept your proposal, which laws do you refer to? There are currently at least three realms in question, and I am fairly certain you are both unaware of the laws of one and have already broken the laws of another."
  • edited November 2023
    "The laws of your realm, which I assume include no killing, no stealing, no rioting, no harassment, no offensive language, and no cheating." Ugragos replies to Ogam. He adds: "Jerryman is from the Kingdom of Maxman, who is a racist. I think it might take some time to adjust to being un-racist."
  • @kaoz42 @cadstar369

    Larryman turns to the wolfman, "Forgive me, I know you rescued me, but I never see a race or species like you before. Or your color in that matter." Larryman would ties its leg with a cloth then it stands up while sitting, "L-ee-can was it? That's name of your kind? Anyway, you wanted to know what kind is law. That depends on where are you. Ogam, if you entered Maxman's land, you would be already a lawbreaker, same as for you, dragon. Maxman dislike anyone who doesn't look like him at all, even if a figure is just a little thicker than him or seems taller than usually. Maxman calls this so-called race "The Stickman" and anyone who isn't a stickman breaks a law and will be enslaved." Larryman added, "I would prefer going to different other than Maxman's land such as the Forgotten Land, Fallen Land, The Factory, and The Kingdom of Figures. According to your favorable laws, The Kingdom of Figures matches you the best. While Forgotten Land and The Fallen Land doesn't have laws at all." Larryman finished.
  • Ogam bites back another sigh. At this point there's so many misunderstandings afoot I might as well leave things be. "So be it. Shall we head to this Kingdom of Figures in the morning then?"

    If there's time, I'd like to pick a few more Charcoal Leaves on the way out of the forest.
  • @cadstar369
    "Oh, are we planning to leave tomorrow morning? If that is so, I would need some herbs, so I can mix some a potion to take care of my injury before we go. Otherwise, I can't leave with you guys while injured as it would takes for at least three days for my leg to heal properly." Larryman seems somewhat fearful toward being alone.

    Quest #1:

    There's a doctor in house!

    Larryman is injured, hence, he cannot leave with the party. If party doesn't agree together, they may break up into two parties to do two tasks; that's what system's here for.

    - You may forge the forest in dark, that way, you may encounter something worthwhile to loot while trying to find a herb. (Fastest way to do so)
    - Wait until morning then forge the forest, that way, you can keep it safe. (Most safe to do so)
    - Ogam may give two leaves to Lerryman and see if he can't use it to heal himself. (Chance for wasting resources)
    - Just left him in the forest as you leave in morning. (Harms rep)
  • I cast sliver’s strike on myself and will try to attack the not panda
  • Ogam intends to wait until morning to go look for herbs.
  • edited November 2023

    Battle Report:
    1) You casts Sliver's Strike on yourself.
      1.1) As it enters the battlefield, it creates a 1/1 Sliver creature token.
      1.2) Your power/toughness been increased to 2/2.
    2) You attacks Not Panda
      2.1) Hidden Effect been triggered!
      2.2) Not Panda dodges your attack (chance to dodge was 10%; chance may vary depending on creatures) as result your combat damage been prevented this turn.
    3) Your turn ends as enemy's turn begins.
    4) Not Panda casts Bear's Rampage on itself.
      4.1) It gains +2/+2 until end of turn.
    5) Not Panda attacks you for 3 damage.

  • blocked by my sliver
  • @FireOfGolden
    Ugragos will quickly fly to his lair, stuff what little hoard he has amassed into a metal bag, and join the other two back at the camp and help Ogam gather herbs if it is already morning, particularly healing herbs and edible herbs.
  • edited November 2023
    All summoned permanents are destroyed at end of battle. If you wish to keep the number of permanents, you must decrease your total mana by one for each permanent. Your maximum mana resets back to normal when entering the battle. This way doesn't restore your mana that much.

    @kaoz42 @cadstar369
    Gotcha, you will have to wait for Smax765, so he can catch up to properly time.


    Battle Report:
    1) You casts Sliver's Strike on yourself.
      1.1) As it enters the battlefield, it creates a 1/1 Sliver creature token.
      1.2) Your power/toughness been increased to 2/2.
    2) You attacks Not Panda
      2.1) Hidden Effect been triggered!
      2.2) Not Panda dodges your attack (chance to dodge was 10%; chance may vary depending on creatures) as result your combat damage been prevented this turn.
    3) Your turn ends as enemy's turn begins.
    4) Not Panda casts Bear's Rampage on itself.
      4.1) It gains +2/+2 until end of turn.
    5) Not Panda attacks you for 3 damage.
      5.1) 1/1 Sliver token blocks Not Panda, it takes for 3 damage instead.
      5.2) Sliver token dies
    6) Bear's Rampage deals 1 damage to Not Panda.
      6.1) Not Panda's ability been triggered for first time.
      6.2) Not Panda puts a rage counter on itself and it gets +2/+0. Its power/toughness is now 3/1.
    7) Your turn begins

  • Before 5.2, I sacrifice the sliver to gain 1 mana and 1 health back.
  • @smax765
    On 5.1, if you sacifice Sliver token for mana, it will be unable to block and you will take 3 damage. Are you certain?

    You cannot sacifice a creature that's going to the graveyard.
  • But I can sacrifice a creature after blocking before the damage step to not receive damage.
  • @smax765
    So what happens here;

    When combat step starts, you may sacifice blocking creature before combat damage is dealt (You may sacifice a creature AFTER a spell is casted). If you prefer to sacifice AFTER combat damage is dealt, you must wait until blocking creature is marked for damage (Wait until after spell RESOLVES). Then you may sacifice it at end of the combat step... Only if it survives. You cannot sacifice a creature being destroyed after spell resolves or combat damage is dealt.

    In your case, your sliver token is marked for lethal damage and cannot be sacificed AFTER combat damage is dealt on end combat step as it is already destroyed.
  • According to MTG, you cannot activate to sacifice a creature when final combat damage is being assigned.
    510.2. Second, all combat damage that’s been assigned is dealt simultaneously. This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack. No player has the chance to cast spells or activate abilities between the time combat damage is assigned and the time it’s dealt.
    You may be able to sacifice a creature when any creatures been blocked by. However, when attacking creature been blocked. If blocking creature been removed from the combat, the blocked creature will become unblocked rather than dealing combat damage to that. Moreover, you may not sacifice any creatures that's being destroyed by combat damage AFTER final combat damages been assigned.
  • edited November 2023
    Combat step phases:
    1. Start combat (at the beginning of combat effects)
    2. Declare attackers
    3. Declare blockers
    4. Damage step
      4.1 First strike damage
      4.2 Normal damage
      4.3 Last strike damage
    5 End of combat

    When combat step starts, the attacking player (not panda) chooses attacking creatures (not panda). On declare blockers step,  declare the sliver to block the not panda. Before the damage step, I sacrifice sliver to gain 1 health and 1 mana. On damage step, not panda should deal damage to the sliver, as sliver is not on the battlefield it deals no damage (it doesn't have trample. Otherwise it would deal damage). That happens because the not panda tries to damage a creature that is illegal, exactly like when you try to use Lightning bolt on a creature and that creature gained hexproof before the bolt resolves. It does nothing.
  • edited November 2023
    That only works if it's fighting, not attacking. The target IS YOU, however, it is being blocked by sliver. Not Panda becomes blocked creature and assigns its combat damage to blocking creature. If sliver is removed from the combat, Not Panda becomes unblocked and assigns combat damage to you instead on damage step.

    It's like casting a spell that targets creature, but it's being countered by another spell. When that spell is removed from stack, spell you cast can resolve now.
  • It’s not like that, it’s like casting a spell and the target becoming illegal, making the spell to do nothing (but it has resolved)
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