Iridrion: Worlds Merged



  • Heju will try to use the three corpses to attempt improve Half-Ghoul Skeleton. Then Heju is off in search for innocent people to kill.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    First of all, killing defenseless villagers is fine with me, but will gain you no XP because they are too easy. The Half-Bone Ghoul is minorly improved to a 3/3 with first strike. (+0/+1) Meanwhile the cursemonger heads to the Fortress, whereupon the eye towers turn on him and again try to fire. The cursemonger is facing:

    What would you like to do now? Remember you are separate.
  • edited January 7
    The cursemonger casts Curseblight + Corrode, putting five -1/-1 counters on one Guardtower and two on the other, forcing both to discard a card.
  • edited January 8
    U  ? for 24h <.
    EDIT: Will be gone for a while, but response deadline remains within 24h.
  • @kaoz42
    Heju will attempt to build a new body out of dead villagers and he would experiment on a few bodies to see if he couldn't make it last longer and take more damage than currently zombies they summon. (Rolling for 20D to gain random spell or ability.)
  • edited January 13
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The first Guardtower dies, and the second is reduced to a 0/3 with no cards to discard. Then it uses eye ray to put two -1/-1 counters on the cursemonger, reducing him to a 1/2. Cursemonger's turn, what would he like to do.

    As for Heju's attempt, the Half-Bone Ghoul doesn't get any bonus, but Heju can now control the Flameskull attached to its head. What would Heju like to do now?

  • Heju will join Autumn
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Suddenly, Heju walks over to the cursemonger. Heju has joined the combat. It is the characters' turn.
  • edited January 13
    The cursemonger pings the remaining tower with his ability, then casts Searing Malice to put a total of three -1/-1 counters on it.
  • edited January 13
    If the tower dies, Heju will attempt to see what is inside the tower.
  • edited January 14
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The second tower "dies." And Heju starts trying to see into the tower, but before he can get very far, you hear shouts and cries above. "Intruders! Kill them all! Nock your bows!" And you look up to see x30 of these:

    They are split into groups of 5, with each group having power/toughness 5/18, and their power and toughness are reduced by -1/-3 whenever you kill one. Suddenly, a contingent of elf warriors arrive to help. (x20 these):

    Combat. You go first. The elves aren't under your control, but you can coordinate with them to optimize a strategy. What would you like to do now? You can't flee because it's too chaotic, but you can try complex combat strategies to win or get closer to some other goal i.e. get into Xarxendroth's fortress.
  • I just realized. If the flaming skull has 3/1 and the body is 3/3 with bonus 1/2. Does that mean Half-Ghoul Skeleton is now at 7/6 with first strike?
  • @FireOfGolden
    No, they are separate creatures. But wait... On second hand, yes, for now, but might not happen later. Only the skull will revive though.
  • The cursemonger shrugs, nonplussed. He casts Curseblight, reducing each archer to 0/1 (and the squads to 0/5 accordingly), then will either cast Searing Malice or a second Curseblight as appropriate depending on what the elves and archers do.
  • Heju will summon two Corspe Walkers then sends them and Half-Bone Ghoul after archers.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The Half-Bone Ghoul singlehandedly kills a Squad, leaving five squads. The corpse walkers reduce a second squad to a 0/1. The elves scale the walls and make quick work of the remaining archers. They offer you a long ladder made of thin silvery fiber, yet still very strong to climb up. What would you like to do now? Climb the ladder?, or try to break in through the front gate?
  • Might as well climb the ladder. ??‍♂️
  • Same as well.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    You make it up the ladder, but already Xarxendrothian reinforcements are waiting for you. You are facing:

    And x10:

    There is also an elevated wooden platform that can fit up to three human sized creatures. Those standing on it gain the benefits of this enchantment when fighting those not on the platform (Nobody is standing on it. There is a small gap in enemies on the way to it, but otherwise it is blocked off.):

    Before you can react, four archers activate their abilities, dealing 2 damage to each of you and gaining prowess for this round. Your turn. You can coordinate with the elves if you want. I control them.
  • If the cursemonger can get to the platform safely, he will do that first. Otherwise he will repeat the same strategy he used in the last fight.
  • Heju will summon other two Corpse Walkers then send four Corspe Walkers and Half-Bone Ghoul after Disciple of Xarxendroth. Heju now have three mana left.

    Heju's battlefield:
    4x 1/1 [+1/+1] Corspe Walkers ( Undead's Pressence )
    1x 7/6 Half-Bone Ghoul ( First Strike ) ** Half-Bone Ghoul is a skeleton rather than a zombie. Hence, it doesn't get bonus  +1/+1.

    Health: 2/4
    Mana: 3/6
    Action: 0/2
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The zombies and ghoul kill 5 disciples, leaving the other five as 15/3's. The cursemonger gets to the platform with no problem. The elves proceed to slay the archers, then retreat to wait. The 15/3 disciples charge at the elves and slay five of them, but you already see more elves climbing up. What would you like to do now? The disciples are back to 0/3.
  • edited January 20
    Heju will pay four mana to bring two Disciples of Xarxendroth back from death under his control. Once again, he sends four Corspe Walkers and a Half-Bone Ghoul to remaining Disciples of Xarxendroth. Then Heju sends two Disciples of Xarxendroth under his control to Theyrgic Archer, each is 15/3 now.

    Heju's battlefield:
    4x 1/1 [+1/+1] Corspe Walkers (Undead's Pressence )
    1x 7/6 Half-Bone Ghoul ( First Strike )
    2x 0/3 [+15/+0] Disciple of Xarxendroth 
  • edited January 20
    The cursemonger intends to remove all remaining foes with Curseblight. (It appears I was unclear about intending to do this last turn…)
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    You win the combat. As you continue towards the heart of the fortress, you come across a choice of pathways: The dungeon, a mysterious unknown hallway, Xarxendroth's Domain, and a tunnel leading underground the fortress. Which path would you like to take?
  • Before we go, Heju will try to build a clone of Half-Bone Ghoul using the corpses after battle.
  • The cursemonger glances at Heju. "Any preferences?"
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    So you decide to head directly to Xarxendroth's Domain. As you continue down the hallway, you reach a wider room, with an altar of what looks like a huge beholder. Then, you see these:


    and lastly, x5:

    If you can manage to strike an enemy from the back or side, you get the benefit of this enchantment for the attack:

    The Xarxendroth's Elite use haste to kill off two elves, leaving eighteen Sylstari Duelists. Your turn.

  • @kaoz42
    What does Heju's battlefield looks like? Does zombies Heju summoned disappeared to the thin air or?
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