Iridrion: Worlds Merged



  • @FireOfGolden @cadstar369
    Val'Kuseth casts this on the start of Heju's turn, preventing the attack damage and going invisible:

    The street Thug K.O.s the cursemonger and Val'Kuseth flees the battle. What would Heju like to do about the situation, while carrying the heavy cursemonger. (Val'Kuseth is invisible.)
  • edited November 2023
    The Autumn Cursemonger casts Corrode on Val'Kuseth in response to Vanish into the Darkness (paying the ward cost), slaying them.
  • edited November 2023
    @FireOfGolden @cadstar369
    Val'Kuseth responds with another Vanish Into the Darkness, leaving him at 0 mana, and continues to flee the battle while invisible. The cursemonger is still unconscious. What will Heju do?
  • edited November 2023
    Val'Kuseth gets three actions per turn?? You do realize this makes you 3 for 3 on fights that the party was doomed to lose from the start, yes?

    Also, I'll spend my second action dealing 1 damage to the Street Thug before combat damage. (Still knocks me out, just makes things easier for Heju.)
  • edited December 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Fine. You win! +10 XP. Val'Kuseth's demonic patron appears and claims his magic weapons, save for an unreadable lvl3 spell scroll in Demonic. What would you like to do with the spell scroll? Vote: (The cursemonger is conscious and at full HP.)
    A - Destroy it. You never no what evil magic comes of demons, it could be a trick.
    B - Save it for when you level up.
    C - Try to read it now. (Dangerous!)
  • edited November 2023
    @kaoz42 I'm not protesting the outcome of the encounter; it makes perfect sense to me that Val'Kuseth would escape, since they appear to be recurring villain material. My concern is that each encounter you've constructed so far has made it apparent that the GM is skewing the enemies' actions in the players' favor, which makes it difficult to remain invested in trying to 'win' them.
  • @Cadstar369 ; @Kaoz42
    "I shall keep this to me. When I come to properly materials, I can use these to learn about it, perhaps way to use it. These are language in demon. There are many different languges, so once I found a letter that matches, I will study it before I could read it." Heju said. "You may loot it before I use it into something useful for me."

    Heju doesn't care about ethic, power is power. Heju will try to find way to get stronger, even it questions Heju's moral.
  • "I suspect I am better equipped to use that than you are. Regardless of its contents, I'd like a look at it later as well." (Also voting for B.)
  • edited December 2023
    Actually, Val'Kuseth is supposed to be a lot smarter than everybody else. The reason it might seem like that it is skewed in your favor is probably because the party turned out to be a lot more powerful than I expected, so it is a fight balancing issue.
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    After all that hussle, you finally leave the Path of Betrayal and make it into the village of Lotham. You are warmly welcomed as heroes, but unfortunately the law enforcement confiscate the zombies, thinking they are some sort of flesh golems. As you are about to settle down in your two queen-sized beds; you got the "empress" room for free; you hear a shout and then a whole chorus of shouts and you see the shadow of an arrow whistle past your window. 
    What would you like to do about the commotion?
  • Heju would check out. He could use some bodies, if there are lying on ground.
  • Might as well take a discreet peek out the window. Should I decide to intervene, I'd likely be more effective doing so from inside anyway. That said…why are we being welcomed as heroes? I don't recall doing anything particularly heroic anywhere someone might have seen it happen.
  • edited November 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As you look out the window, you see a huge dragon-serpent trying to break the bell tower with its tail while guards are firing at it. In the corner, you see an eel-person? Concentrating on a small whirlpool starting to appear in the village well. A big, tough eel-person warrior stands guard.
    The creatures you see are:

    A hostile Pokemon.

    You are being welcomed as heroes because you got rid of the ogre band demanding daily tribute from the village.
    What would you like to do about the situation? Oh and Enchelei usually don't come above water, much less attack a settlement.
  • "Hmm, what do you think? If you want to destroy them, I am behind you. Either way, I get to study some corpses, but these fishmen seems has interesting body to study." Heju said as he await for another person to decide what the party should do.
  • So the Gyrados is working with the Enchelei, or is it separate from them? Also, can we communicate with the Enchelei? Either way, intervening looks like it could easily be another losing battle (particularly as we have no idea what's going on), so I'll hold my actions until the end of the enemy turn.

    On a separate note, since it's our first Pokémon encounter, how do Poké Balls work in this game, both mechanically and logistically?
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The Gyarados is working with the Enchelei. Yes, you may communicate with the Enchelei; Their attitude is cautious and somewhat unfriendly. Poke Balls count as artifacts and when thrown at Pokemon have a chance to catch them. However, the catch rate for Gyarados is extremely low (8%), and any attempts will count as an enrage if they fail and will undermine all attempts to communicate with the Enchelei. That said, what will the party do now?
  • Might as well burn an action asking why they're attacking. ??‍♂️
  • @cadstar369
    They answer: "Where have you come from? We're attacking obviously because The Great Fisher has invaded our home and this is one of the Fisher's bases."
  • "We are mere travelers; where we come from is of little import. Who is this 'Great Fisher,' exactly?"
  • edited November 2023
    @cadstar369 ;
    "The Great Fisher is a powerful enemy. We're not exactly sure what it is. It looks like a great sphere with one hideous eye in the middle and a large predatory mouth and many eye-stalks protruding from it. It attacked us and abducted and slew at least seventy of us." They answer.  Just then, you here a earth-shaking roar as the Gyarados is hit with a ballista bolt and starts quivering uncontrollably, obviously in rage.

    You here?

  • "You think this tiny village is a base for something akin to a spectator or beholder? If it were, you wouldn't be alive to converse with us. That said, we're not opposed to assisting you should you cease your assault on this place."
  • @kaoz42
    Yeah, Heju is just staying quiet and listening to this conversation. He don't really have a reason to talk to the memfolks.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    "Ah, so it is called a beholder. Well, yes it is most definitely its... Wait a minute, did you get the mapping wrong, Slithetathas?!" "No way, you mapped it!" They answer then start arguing. "Ten thousand whirlpools, we attacked the wrong place!" They conclude, but at that point it's too late as the Gyarados has transformed into this in its rage and is now uncontrollable:

    Would you like to fight it with the help of the city guards and Enchelei, or wait?

  • Heju would just wait unless another I can't remember to name decides to fight Mega Gyarados
  • Might as well help out with subjugating Mega Gyrados; I'll continue to hold my actions until an opportune moment.
  • Seeing another decides to join, Heju will go ahead and follow by. All zombies were exiled from the battlefield when Heju arrives the town, right? If so, Heju will summon a Misfortuned Stickman.
  • edited November 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The Enchelei Hydromancer throws an ultra ball at the Mega Gyarados, but the Mega Gyarados escapes, creating a whirlpool token and using it to tap the Hydromancer. The Juggernaut does the same and finally manages to enclose the Mega Gyarados in another ultra ball. Encounter complete! +10 XP for negotiating with the Enchelei. What would you like to do now? You need sleep or you will both get a -1/-1 counter due to fatigue. (The random number generator gave a 4 for a 16% chance to catch the Mega Gyarados the second time.)
  • There's nothing really to do other than sleep before negotiating the terms of our assistance with the Enchelei.
  • Heju will check for any possible corpses that's killed by Gyarados. Otherwise, he will find place to sleep in.
  • edited November 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As you wake up, you have a delicious breakfast, then head to the dock where the Enchelei are already waiting for you. They say "Well, you had best travel on land, for otherwise you won't find the Great Fisher." Then hand you an old, scrapped map of the continent with specific blue markings of the possible base areas of "the Great Fisher." Which direction would you like to head?, vote:
    - A: North.
    - B: South.
    - C: East.
    - D : West.
    - E: The Moon (Joke, not actually an option.)
  • D: looks interesting, so I will take D: to go west.
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