Iridrion: Worlds Merged



  • @FireOfGolden
    Sure, I was just trying to type D :, but it turned into D:
  • Whichever’s closest I suppose; I’ve no real preference if there’s markings in every direction.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    And so you decided to travel west, but already word of your departure seems to have got out and everywhere you go people with a golden eye on a purple background somewhere on their body or clothes show up and act oddly. Eventually, you go on an alternate route to try and avoid them, but this turns out to be a mistake as you soon find yourself facing:

    You can win this fight if you fight wisely. You go first.
  • edited November 2023
    Assuming that last statement is to be believed, then either these disciples have no way to harm us themselves, or the only path to victory is to be completely reckless about it. @FireOfGolden, can you summon two zombies and try attacking two of them? I'll attempt to curse the other two if that works.
  • Sure;
    Heju summons two of them.

  • edited November 2023
    @FireOfGolden @cadstar369
    The zombies automatically kill two Disciples. The other two are reduced to mere 5/2's, which K.O. both of you. Please rewind and try again. Heju did correctly, but the cursemonger made a mistake. (Disciples had each a -1/-1 counter and +6/+0 from the six damage dealt to the other two.)
  • edited November 2023
    I didn't take my actions yet though? I intended to cast Corrode on the remaining two for 3 -1/-1 counters each if the attacks worked. ("Cursing someone" refers to any action the Autumn Cursemonger can take that inflicts -1/-1 counters.)

    Also, since the zombies dealt damage on our turn, any other Disciples should revert to 0 power when they attack on their turn, no?
  • Meanwhile, even if they somehow gets power, Heju would still have two zombies to defend.
  • edited November 2023
    @FireOfGolden the zombies can't block. Accoring to this answer to some of my questions at the beginning:
    […] Blocking... Well, it works just like in actual MTG, but most enemies and characters can't block, unless their card says so. […]
  • @cadstar369 @kaoz42
    They said enemies and characters, but not minions. Does minions count toward characters?
  • edited November 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Summoned creatures and "minions" count towards the blocking rule. What would you like to do in your second try in the battle against the disciples?
  • @kaoz42
    On second round or...?
  • @FireOfGolden @cadstar369
    Retry. Restart the whole battle. You go first vs x4 Disciples of Xarxendroth.
  • I’ll just propose the original plan again then: Heju attacks two of them with zombies, then the Autumn Cursemonger curses the other two to death via Corrode. (I still understand neither why my actions were decided for me last time nor why the overall course of events resulted in us dying. ??‍♂️)
  • @cadstar369
    I agree to his plan for this second try battle.

    But how did these two left managed to kill us on second turn? Their power returned back to 0.
  • @cadstar369
    Sorry. But can you be more specific when stating your character's action?

    "Turn" means "round," or a sector of time when every "creature" takes a turn.

    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As the last Disciple dies to a corroding blast from the cursemonger, you feel yourselves pulsing with power, realizing you are just out of reach of a level up, but suddenly, the bodies explode in a burst of purple fire, and a shimmering vision of a spectator appears. "Ah, a duo of heretics we have here. You must be wiped out immediately. Boss's orders. We shall meet in flesh and bone soon." What would you like to do now? The spectator vision has dissappeared.
  • @kaoz42
    Oh, I see. When it says "Until end of turn", it means "Until end of round", is that right? If so, it makes sense.
  • If the bodies are beyond use, it doesn't seem like there's much for either of us to do but keep going and see how the spectator encounter goes, but might as well check for loot on the off chance anything of use survived.
  • Heju will check the remaining bodies to determine if they can be brought to his undead helpers. (Heju would like to spend four mana to bring two Disciples back from dead.)

    If bodies been "exiled" from the graveyard (Or destroyed just for a message), Heju will say this; "Well, that's disappointing. They destroyed all bodies just to send a message. How wasteful." Heju shooked his head, looking at the ashes where body once to be.

    Otherwise, "The bodies seems damaged by the purple fire, but they still can be brought up. That was close." Heju mumbled.

    After that, Heju would keep that message in mind, he just contniue to the west. "Are you coming?" He asked Autumn.
  • @FireOfGolden @cadstar369
    As you head even further West, even more suspicious figures appear, one even holding up a purple battle standard adorned with a golden eye. They are all nearby, but keep their distance, avoiding even the range of attack spells. At last, you settle in the somber village of Atarthwain, and find a free room in the most luxurious inn; the innkeeper doesn't even seem to notice you, and many rooms you pass still have their doors open and seem to be not cleaned at all. You finally reach your room, which thank The Dragons, is clean, but not as luxurious as expected for an inn that normally charges 5 gold coins a night for the smallest room. What would you like to do now?  (The bodies and all loot have been reduced to glowing ashes.) Vote.
    (A - Sleep.
    (B - Explore the village.
    (C - Try to talk to the locals.
    (D - Do else...
  • Heju has no money, so he will explore the village rather than sleeping while two undead figures following him around (Misfortuned Stickman) unless Autumn has another plan.
  • edited November 2023
    The villagers are apparently either minions or under some degree of curse/charm, so let's take a look around the village for now, with a particular interest in any recurring patterns or oddly-placed objects/structures.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    You do notice several odd occurrences including nobody responding to the assault and robbery of a merchant who also doesn't seem to care and continues selling his stall and coins for free. The robber of that merchant exchanges all the things he robbed for the stall and sign. Then, you hear a sinister laugh. "Ha ha ha, so the heroes have come in time." "But as I said, we shall only meet in flesh and bone, not fight. My faithful students shall dispose of you." And then, a half-illithid and some more Xarxendrothian disciples step in your way and attack.
    You are fighting:
    A lvl1:

    Two lvl0:

    You go first. 
  • "Heju, would you mind taking care of the disciples? That one might be trouble if they stick around."

    The cursemonger will hold his actions until after combat.
  • "On it" Heju said as he would send a Misfortuned Stickman after each Discple. If both of them dies, Heju will use two actions and four mana to bring both back to death as last strike 2/2 zombies.
  • edited November 2023
    You already spent four mana in summoning the stickmen. Summoned creatures don't last after fights.

    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The disciples die, but the zealot casts:

    Then, reinforcements arrive:

     The disciple activates the sliver's ability, forcing both of you to lose ability to cast a spell of your choice until end of combat.
  • edited November 2023
    Hold on, I didn't get to use my actions. During the opposing end step, I'd like to ping the Zealot twice, putting two -1/-1 counters on it. I'll "discard" Searing Malice. Holding my actions again for now during the second round while I wait for Heju's minions to attack.

    By the way, how is the sliver attacking after it sacrificed itself? Never mind; saw the edit.
  • Heju will "discard" Misfortuned Stickman for the turn as he would use last mana that was reganed on second round to cast Corspe Walker. Then he uses last action to exile one of dead Disciples to create a tapped 2/2 Figure Zombie token.
  • @FireOfGolden who do Heju's three creatures attack? The three Disciples?
  • @cadstar369 @kaoz42
    Forgot I can choose target for my creatures. Yep two Misfortuned Stickman and one Corpse Walker attacks all three Disciples, killing all of them. (The Corspe Walker has 2/2 and reduces A Disciple from 0/3 to -1/2 due to Undead's Pressence)
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