Iridrion: Worlds Merged



  • edited December 2023
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The cursemonger finds the power coming from the skull undead power. Suddenly, the skull leaps into the air "Ha ha ha! You couldn't figure out I was a Flameskull, couldn't you? He he he he he!"
    And it zooms off towards Xarxendroth's fortress. It is this:

    What would you like to do now? You can let it go, but it will surely report all your activities to Xarxendroth. Or you could chase after it, hoping to subjugate it before it can reach the safety or the fortress. It can only be truly killed by holy water sprinkled on it after death or exile effects.
  • The cursemonger will curse (i.e. ping) the Flameskull with his activated ability to suppress it (he'll do this each time it revives), retrieving the temporarily inert skull before turning to Heju. "Any idea what to do with this thing? Could you perhaps take control of it?"
  • @cadstar369
    Heju would hesitate for a minute as he would take a close look at the skull. "For now, I can add body to the skull to control its action. I never tried to take over undead subjects before as I am only person who practices the dead in my world." Heju said as he cannot take control of the skull's mind at his currently level. "You might have to cover your eyes for this." He then said to Autumn. Heju will take a head off the Half-Ghoul off to replace with flaming skull, that way, its action would be limited as the body is holding skull to itself.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    Heju's idea seems to work, and after an hour, the skull complains "You clever necromancer! I'll find a way to escape and reveal your activities to my master." What wold you like to do now? The skull appears to be "dead" again, even though nothing "killed" it.
  • @kaoz42
    While Autumn thinks of a plan, Heju will study the magical skull to determine whether can he find way to force the skull's mind become under control by the body it was forced attached to. If possible, he would like to dissect the skull.
  • Having gained nothing from the skull, the cursemonger takes interest in tailing the funeral procession.
  • Speaking of funeral procession, @kaoz42? What is it?
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    And so the party decides to follow the funeral procession, which appears to be for the magistrate that gave Heju information. It seems like Xarxendroth has a very effective and quick network of spies and assassins, crushing every possible rebel before even the magistrate's suggested time of one week.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    You still in for this? It's been more than 24h.
  • I’d like to continue, but the PCs currently have practically nothing to do. Going toward Xarxendroth is clearly a bad idea, but all other threads the PCs have followed so far (the locals, the skull, and the funeral procession) have lead to dead ends that have given the party nothing to work with. The only potentially recurring NPCs the party is aware of are multiple days’ journey away at best as well (and don’t seem to like the PCs anyway). This leaves the PCs stuck with three (maybe two) threads that are each apparently important, but also either impossible or strongly inadvisable to pursue.

    In short, the PCs have no meaningful objectives or connections to pursue, and thus the campaign has stalled.
  • @cadstar369
    Alright, alright. Just do something and I'll adapt the campaign to be more meaningful accordingly.
  • Welp, since we're in the middle of who-knows-where, the cursemonger will try finding more information on this "Ancient Crusader."
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    And so you ransack the local library, finding very little information on the "Ancient Crusader," probably related to the fact that you are in Xarxendroth's kingdom and the crusader kills abberations. However, you find too battered tomes, who look like they were gathering dust for centuries in the oldest part of the library. Their pages are yellowed with age, and one's title is scratched out except for "ncient Crusader" and the other's title reads "Biography of the Ancient Crusader by Sir Nedith the Wise." Which one would you like to search first?, or do something else?
  • The cursemonger will carefully try the book with the scratched out title.
  • edited January 5
    @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As the cursemonger tries the book, he reads this: ( Gonna spit out a bunch of lore with underscores in unreadable parts in.)
    The best way to slay an abberation is to gouge out its eyes, then bring your weapon or magic upon its head. To slay a mind flayer, it takes more practice. Try hopeless thralls first. Anyway, you must have a strong free will and most definitely you need magic on your side. Of course, as a demigod, I have slain hundreds of flayers.

    What would you like to do now?

  • @cadstar369
    "Mind flayers?" Heju would puts his hand onto his chin, "What is that? What is its body like?" He then look at Autumn for an answer.
  • edited January 5
    "Vaguely humanoid aberrations with squidlike heads and a knack for psionics," the cursemonger replies absently. "They're generally run by a hive mind and tend to make thralls out of their victims. Not pleasant to encounter."

    With the first book proving not particularly helpful, the cursemonger will check the other book.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    The cursemonger reads this in the second book:
    Nobody knows the Ancient Crusader's true name. This is due to centuries of anonymity. The Ancient Crusader is a demigod child of Aumaris, God of Nature. The Ancient Crusader's soul is linked to nature, so that, if a particular location in nature is destroyed, the Ancient Crusader loses immortality and most of his powers. I do not know where this location is or its name, because, understandably, the Ancient Crusader doesn't share information about it. But on to the Crusader's biography. At a young age, he took interest in both swordplay and magecraft, and studied them both diligently. Due to his divine parentage, he had an edge over the aspiring spellswords he trained with, making it easier for him to gain access to better teachers and he was able to hone his skills much higher than the others. His immortality was gained from a ritual, whereupon reaching an age worthy of death by old age of normal human standards, he invoked his divine parentage into a long ritual that lasted days and nights... Ok, done spitting out lore for now. What would the party like to do now?
  • Welp, it appears there's nothing to be done but go die to Xarxendroth. ??‍♂️
  • edited January 6
    If it helps, I made a map to show the area around where you are (Oh and ignore the water unless I change my mind):

  • edited January 6
    Yeah, but I lost my motivation a little.

    For some exp, Heju needs to defeat Xarxendroth, he will find closest village to kill some innocent people. It may be a little, but better than just nothing.

    "Well, it will be a while, but when I am done with something, I will go to castle then wait for you. Or you may wait there for me. I wouldn't recommend for you to follow me along as you may not approve my... method." Heju turned around, on way out then searches the village to kill some ANY peope on sight.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    As you try to leave the library, a voice says "Well, well, well. You're very clever, aren't you? We watched the library getting ransacked from our watch tower.  You're under arrest for damaging public property, assault, and defying the Monarch's will." As you turn, you see this. (You are both detained. Still trying to figure out how to make non-DPS check combat work.):

    You go first and are at -1/-1 from the Sheriff's static.
  • edited January 7
    Heju will summon two Misfortuned Stickmen then have both attack Sheriff Assailant at once. (Each has 2/2, Heju's ability and Sheriff's ability counters each other.)
  • @FireOfGolden
    The stickmen are 1/1's, not 2/2's.
  • @kaoz42
    As I mentioned, that is Corspe Walkers. Misfortuned Stickmen would look like this;

    If you take a look at Heju's ability;

    Misfortuned Stickmen will gets +1/+1 because it is a Zombie thank to Heju, but it also gets -1/-1 from Shreiff. Hence, both abilities that affects Misfortuned Stickmen counters each other.

    (2 Mana remain)

  • Welp, assuming we're still nerfed from earlier, the only thing the Cursemonger can really do is cast Curseblight (two -1/-1 counters on all enemies & they each discard a card) before the zombies attack, then hold up Corrode as a reaction just in case.
  • @cadstar369 @FireOfGolden
    It looks like your enemies won't even get a turn. Ah, well. The Sheriff dies from the zombies, removing the buff on his allies, killing them. Encounter complete! The party gets +5 XP. What would you like to do now?
  • As with before, it appears there's nothing to be done but go to Xarxendroth. ??‍♂️
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