Taking a Bit of a Hiatus

Hey, Keef here, you will know me from my cardsmith user, TheKeefMan. I've been an active cardsmith for the better part of 1 1/2 years. I'm on a bit of a creative low for the moment, and don't find my most recent cards to be very innovative. My card output will be on a very down-low for awhile. I don't know when I will be active in full capacity again, but when I do I hope to kick off my Solamen: Times Combined story again. Just wanted to let you all to those who enjoy my cards or my presence in general.

Love, Keef


  • Aw, shame man. Still, I feel you, take your time. Essentially this whole thing is to enjoy some creative design for fun, not a job nor any sort of social pressure thingie. All the best for ya.
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