Early Expansions Legendary Challenge

There happens to be quite a few terrible legendary creatures in the early expansions of magic. We're talkin' vanilla 5/3 for 4WU! So I was thinking you guys could do a few of them some justice with a revamping.

Early Expansions (any Masters Edition/Homelands/Legends) legendary creatures: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&block=+["Early Expansions"]&type=+["Legendary"]+["Creature"]
The guidelines of this challenge are:
1: Turn a bad legendary creature from the Early Expansions into a respectable legendary creature.
2: Your card must have something in common with the original card other than the name (mana cost, ability, power/toughness, creature type).
3: Include a link to the real card preferably.
4: Maximum two entries per person.

You may make these legendary creatures common or uncommon if you wish, so long as they are balanced at that rarity.
Please don't use Banding unless absolutely necessary.
Top three winners get a card of their choice Favorited.
Contest ends Saturday, September 12, 2015.


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