Early Expansions Legendary Challenge
There happens to be quite a few terrible legendary creatures in the early expansions of magic. We're talkin' vanilla 5/3 for 4WU! So I was thinking you guys could do a few of them some justice with a revamping.
Early Expansions (any Masters Edition/Homelands/Legends) legendary creatures: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&block=+["Early Expansions"]&type=+["Legendary"]+["Creature"]
The guidelines of this challenge are:
1: Turn a bad legendary creature from the Early Expansions into a respectable legendary creature.
2: Your card must have something in common with the original card other than the name (mana cost, ability, power/toughness, creature type).
3: Include a link to the real card preferably.
4: Maximum two entries per person.
You may make these legendary creatures common or uncommon if you wish, so long as they are balanced at that rarity.
Please don't use Banding unless absolutely necessary.
Top three winners get a card of their choice Favorited.
Contest ends Saturday, September 12, 2015.
Early Expansions (any Masters Edition/Homelands/Legends) legendary creatures: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&block=+["Early Expansions"]&type=+["Legendary"]+["Creature"]
The guidelines of this challenge are:
1: Turn a bad legendary creature from the Early Expansions into a respectable legendary creature.
2: Your card must have something in common with the original card other than the name (mana cost, ability, power/toughness, creature type).
3: Include a link to the real card preferably.
4: Maximum two entries per person.
You may make these legendary creatures common or uncommon if you wish, so long as they are balanced at that rarity.
Please don't use Banding unless absolutely necessary.
Top three winners get a card of their choice Favorited.
Contest ends Saturday, September 12, 2015.
This discussion has been closed.
Original card - Ramirez DePietro
Reimagined Version - Rosalina DePietro
Original version:
Redone version:
New version - http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/count-sengir
Lady Caleria - Original - http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=201410
Lady Caleria - ReSmithed - http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/lady-caleria-1
Original - http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=1655
Original - http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=1647
Bolas of Urborg
Original http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?printed=false&multiverseid=1642
Recreated: http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/axelrod-gunnarson-1
Sivitri, Dragon Tamer
Ayesha Tanaka - Original
Ayesha Tanaka - ReSmithed
This is my actual second entry... I forgot the first one didn't actually count, because it was just a fun entry to start off the challenge!
Autumn Willow
Chromium, Great Elder
Skeleton Ship
1st Place
Sivitri, Dragon Tamer- @Tomigon
I enjoy that you used the flavor text to make this card and left the second color to the dragon token. It's a difficult card to judge in terms of strength. You're basically paying 2UU and 4 life to have both creatures on your next turn and not be able to attack. That is, of course, assuming she doesn't die before then. She seems perfectly fine in that sense. Very well designed and fun card.
2nd Place
Adun Oakenshield- @Barry13
Its ability is in all the right colors for, and fitting the flavor text of the original card. I like all the changes, and it's really well done overall.
3rd Place
Lady Caleria- @Corwinnn
Really well done for having kept the original's cost (even in incorrect order) and p/t. Convoke goes a long way in making her playable in a token deck, which she highlights with populate and token generation. Having said that, I can't help but feel she's a little lacking in power.
Honorable Mentions
Ihsan the Doomed- @koover
Great additions in the form of undying and the second ability. They both go well with the original's flavor text. I really like the small changes, keeping the mana cost the same, the same total p/t, and the protection. But I feel like he's a little too strong in that his potential killing power is already 2+ creatures and he also has deathtouch. I think even as a 4/4 without deathtouch he would have been great.
Lady Caleria- @VSSS
Interesting ideas, even if a little out of the ordinary. Seeing non-flying damage on a GW creature is a little strange, but it doesn't make her too powerful (basically being a 5/4, sometimes having to pay g/w to do so.) I think it would have been nice to see reach rather than hexproof since it's an Archer, but it's not much of a factor.
Autumn Willow- @Teacup
I really wish this one had been uncommon. It's overall lacking for a rare legendary, but would be great in limited at uncommon.
@seaspray4TF3, this was a great idea for a challenge. Really cool parameters within which to design cards for it.
Alright. Fav this card please. I made it with my friend and did play test with this. It's very fun.
I'll miss this contest. I wish there were more weak legendary in Early Expansions LoL!
Pick a card from here...
Necromancy is a practice banned in most forums. Does this make me a witch? Anyway, you should probably close this, @seaspray4TF3
Just typing "This discussion is closed." will do.