Am I Doing Something Wrong?

I seem to constantly get a 404 error when I try to post my first card. I can only laugh at the joke cards for the 404 pages so many times before I simply give up. This is the third day I've logged in here and dealt with this. Can anyone help?


  • Uhm... lots of people report stuff like that, but i've never dealt with it. @Corwinnn @MrRansom @ImBadAtBalancing @Tomigon @King_Devil_II @AustinSmith @Damnation @Oduda @Rednaxela Somebody help this man!
  • edited October 2015
    The biggest thing is it may be the exact name you're trying to use. @mtgcardsmith might know better, but we occasionally come up on a name that it just won't allow us to use (like Crow's Nest for example)... Variations on the theme will usually work. Are you making the SAME card over and over or is it ANY card you try to make?
  • Typically when I get a 404 error is when I missed something on the card such as choosing an expansion symbol. I can't really give any help as I myself rarely get into that problem but I'm sure someone can :)
  • edited October 2015
    That happens to me sometimes too. But I have no idea what's causing it. But like ImBadAtBalancing said, adding artist's name, or selecting card category, or choosing different symbol fix that problem sometimes (But I'm really not sure. So please don't trust this.).

    One thing that always works to me is to change the card's name.
    For example; I've tried to make a card named "Festival of Victories" once, but that name was already used in a MrRansom's card. So I replaced the name of my card with "Festival of Glories." Then it is published.
    It doesn't solve everything because the card's name tells the character of the card, but that's a way I use if I can.
  • This has never happened to me before, so I can't say, unfortunately.
  • We've gotten some specific reports of naming collisions causing 404's and are looking into resolving that issue (since everyone wants to make their own Soldier tokens, etc.). Beyond that we recommend using google chrome and if you repeatedly have an issue, log out and back into your account.

    We apologize for these issues and will be spending some upcoming dev time bug hunting (we know they can be very frustrating). If you've got additional details about the card name/browser you are using that would be helpful. Thanks!
  • Hmmm, I'm not sure. I remember a couple of times when I attempted to post a card it wouldn't let me, but I didn't get a 404 error. And usually I would either go to a different computer or wait a day or two and the thing would correct itself. So while it has happened to me before, I can't explain exactly what to do.
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