This thread is for sharing some of the best cards you found on MtG Cardsmith!
What I want you to do is to choose cards in your favorite, and remake(reprint) them with new arts in your account. All cards I think are good will go into FromTheVault_Cardsmith's favorite.
* When you post your card here, You must type @Author of the original card. It's a christmas present for the author!
* There must be a link to the original card in the reprinted card's page. (The most important thing!)
* Please use appropriate art for the card you reprint.
* You may fix the wording if it is incorrect.
* You may give the new flavor text for the card.
* If the author tells you to delete your card you made for this, you must do so.
* You can't choose two or more cards from the same person's cards.
* If you choose the card of the smith who isn't in favored members' list yet, you are very nice.
This discussion is closed in Dec. 26. 2015.
What I want you to do is to choose cards in your favorite, and remake(reprint) them with new arts in your account. All cards I think are good will go into FromTheVault_Cardsmith's favorite.
* When you post your card here, You must type @Author of the original card. It's a christmas present for the author!
* There must be a link to the original card in the reprinted card's page. (The most important thing!)
* Please use appropriate art for the card you reprint.
* You may fix the wording if it is incorrect.
* You may give the new flavor text for the card.
* If the author tells you to delete your card you made for this, you must do so.
* You can't choose two or more cards from the same person's cards.
* If you choose the card of the smith who isn't in favored members' list yet, you are very nice.
This discussion is closed in Dec. 26. 2015.
This discussion has been closed.
Crimson Dancer
Made by @Teacup
Also, @Fraziel07: Penumbra of Mana
And @CrucibleOfHate: Three Sins
In the left side of the main page, there's a place that shows favored members' names. But the names appear randomly, so it's not easy to have a clear grasp of who.
I'm not sure, but I think @Corwinnn is adding all favored members in FiveThings.
Edit : Cardsmiths in FiveThings are not always in favored member's list. But I think we can say people in FiveThings are already favored!
And also link to this page
@anosmianAcrimony Awesome card concept
Original card:
Reprint of: by @Rednaxela
Reprint of by @benw
Respect for the School of Fish(es)!
Also, I'm in the favored list, so you aren't on the very nice list. ;P
Idea Broker, by @Chairforce
The FTV version
By @lookingupanddown
@ImBadAtBalancing @TheEpicnessWithin @Gelectrode @ChaseTheHuman @Sylux
Thank you everyone! But please read the rule! It says "put a link to original card on your card's page as well!" Otherwise the card looks like your creation.
By the way, there's no point of following FromTheVault_Cardsmith account. I don't have any plans to make cards in that account for now!
Happy Reprintmas @FadedSelenium!
Original by @Llamamama
There's a typo!
I was about to say the card is a bit op, but then I realized it's a legendary. So that makes it fair I guess.
Thanks for sharing!
And please be sure to write author's name and link to original on the card's page as well! Just copy
Original by @Llamamama
to the new version's page!
Sorry about that; I got distracted and forgot to add the information. Also, where is the typo?
"your your" instead of "to your"
@Domrikade, @fraziel07, @Latinas, @RadioactivePig, @Odysseus, @Damnation, @MrRansom, @Ginge, @Chairforce, @Corwinnn, @Noobplayzgames, and @Grimshac
I added your cards in FromTheVault_Cardsmith.
Tell me if you don't like it, then I'll delete it. And also tell me if you want to remake your original, then I'll add the new version.
I'm choosing these cards almost randomly from my favorite list, so it doesn't mean these are my most favorite cards.
I think I'll do this again when I feel like to. There are so many arts that I've been waiting to use in my stock