Winner is the Judge #10 : Balance the Origin

OFFICIAL 'Winner Is The Judge' RULES:
1) The judge cannot participate in the current contest or the next contest (This is to prevent the same people from winning all the time).
2) This contest will last exactly two weeks.
3) Each person may enter only one card for this challenge.
4) Only enter if you are willing to host the next challenge (in case you win).

Hey guys, I'll be hosting the next "Winner is the Judge"-challenge and I'll try a concept from Magic Origins for this challenge.

You know how in Magic Origins WotC created some balanced hommages to a few legacy/vintage/modern staples?

Honored Hierarch - Noble Hierarch
Day's Undoing - Timetwister
Evolutionary Leap - Survival of the Fittest

I'd like you to do the same. Pick a renwon staple from any eternal format and create a new balanced "Reincarnation" of the card. If you're not that into these formats, just ask, and I can post a few cards to use.

Judging focus will be on how it's related to the original card (Flavour, Effect) and of course how balanced it is (so it could be printed for standard i.e.)

Every cool entry will of course get a favorite ;)

Have fun. :)


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