@Corwinnn That is the best thing in the whole world, that hashtag there. Are you aware that the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the most powerful man in the country? Far more than the President? Do you really wanna give that to me?
This was made to illustrate a point, as well as an entry to @JBYT_LoadedTommy 's Mini-Challenge, so partial credit to him for the original concept. I still made the challenge keyword. (Assassinate is JBYT's ability.)
I decided I wanted to make a set based on a game that I love which is Dota 2. A lot of the cards that I came up with were extremely overpowered so I needed a way to "nerf" them. So, I created this keyword.
@CrucibleOfHate - I think that assasinate is an ability keyword, not a keyword action. I can't find a use for it on non-creature, non-equipment spells. you can't put assasinate onto an instant or sorcery, It'd just look weird.
@CrucibleOfHate- we have both pointed out when the other used an ability keyword, and shown the other how to fix it, or told them that it is beyond saving.
@milanaaraz- good keyword action, but I would try to make a few more cards with hinder to see if it's to wonky.(my action, purge, is an action for putting a card into it's controller's graveyard(ie: purge target creature{purge can be used on other forms of removal, like, say, purging the top seven cards of target opponent's library;})
@stormbreath No, I meant that I said it was screwed myself, and that assassinate was an ABILITY created by JBYT, challenge was a keyword action. And while it was indeed, it contradicted normal game rules. As I said. Pbth.
>Any keyword action's reminder text should be read as "To {ACTION}, (what you do)".
That is a nice idea to confirm the keyword action!
Sometimes "To {ACTION}" part is removed,
however it can be added in every reminder text of keyword action!
... whoops. :P
... Well, we were all bound to screw up somehow, right?
thanks for telling me that.
@CrucibleOfHate No limit!
I meant it to be like you had written it, but for whatever reason I got stuck on the Equip functionality.
Thanks Buddy! You Rock! @CrucibleOfHate for Speaker of the House!
Are you aware that the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the most powerful man in the country? Far more than the President? Do you really wanna give that to me?
This was made to illustrate a point, as well as an entry to @JBYT_LoadedTommy 's Mini-Challenge, so partial credit to him for the original concept. I still made the challenge keyword. (Assassinate is JBYT's ability.)
Meditate ability based on WotC's card of the same name. Which was pretty busted and I'm sure this is too.
Channel based as well on a WotC card with the same name
I give you, Cooldown
I feel like it was worded badly but I didn't know how else to put it.
Rare: http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/underworld-examiner
Uncommon: http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/runic-bladecaster-1
Mythic: http://mtgcardsmith.com/view/kruska-the-forehoof
@FangQuil I commented on your card. Check it out!
Here are the other hinder cards I made:
And there is one that was made by @Corvinnn: