Illusions of Grandeur (Results Posted!)

Hello, fellow cardsmiths! I have not had an active contest for a bit now (believe me, I've tried), and I felt like having another one. I was drawing a complete blank, and then I thought up a completely random idea. So here, presented to you, is the Illusions of Grandeur contest!

For this contest, I want Illusions. They can have the illusion creature type, or pertain to illusions in other ways. They can be tribal or non-tribal, as long as they are or care about illusions.'

-Card must be an illusion or care about illusions
-6 total entries per person, up to 2 of those can be old cards. (Made before October 3rd, 2018)
-Cards will be judged on the normal criteria of flavor, art choice, balance, and how cool the card is.

-Honorable Mentions get 1 favorite
-3rd place gets 2 favorites, a follow, and the ability to nominate a Honorable Mention.
-2nd place gets 3 favorites, a follow, and the ability to nominate a Honorable Mention.
-1st place gets 5 favorites, a follow, and the ability to nominate a Honorable Mention.

Contest ends on 10/31/18.

Good Luck, Have Fun, and Happy Cardsmithing!


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