What is your command? Mini Challenge (W/ Prizes)

Hello fellow cardsmiths, as I'm working on distributing the prizes I owe from other contests/challenges, I wanted to see how creative you can get for designing commanders for Commander/EDH.

So I thought I'd offer some prizes for either participating and/or placing in the top three slots.

Now what are the goals of this challenge? Well, I want you to design a commander for the Commander format, other than that make them as unique as possible.

Edit: Removed example card for re-balancing.

Due Date: (Due date extended)
The due date for this contest is the 14th of May. Late entries will be accepted as long as we haven't finished judging. If you want a time extension, just post a message in the contest with how long you need that @'s myself, @murkletins.

For each of the top three new cards' creators;
- 1 month of premium subscription.
- A follow from us.
- 3 favorites of your own choice.
For the top old card's creator;
- 1 month of premium subscription.
- A follow from us.
- 3 favorites of your own choice.

Prizes Just For Entering:
Please post your favorites with your card's comment or in a private message. It helps myself get them to you faster!
- 2 favorites of your own choice.

1) The card must be a commander.
2) No entry limit.
3) Old cards allowed.
4) Make sure to credit the creator of the artwork on your cards.

Brief guide to uploading linked pictures/images in comments! (W/ Visual Aid)


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