Computer Gear Set

I am playing around and making a "Computer" set. Where the whole set is based off of technology.

The main counters that are in this set are:

Chip Counters= These counters are mainly placed on Computers and Cyborgs to give benefits.

Knowledge Counters= These counters are mainly placed on creatures also to give benefits, but in a different way than Chip counters do.

Anybody may make cards for this set as you wish!

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  • It sounds to me like you have a lot of counters to keep track of. Watch out for memory issues.
  • @Lujikul good point. I deleted the others I got Chip, Knowledge, and Charge counters.
  • As someone who really loves counters, I'd caution you to not include more than one counter type in your set if at all possible. Even +1/+1 counters and chip counters would be difficult to distinguish on creatures and can lead to lots of on-board confusion.

    In general, you want your mechanics to be varied: activated (adapt, outlast), triggered (evolve, extort), combat oriented (raid, mentor), draw smoothing (scry, surveil), cost-changing (dash, flashback), etc. My recommendation is to pick your favorite counter type, focus on that, then search for other complementary effects that aren't all reliant on those counters.
    Hope this helps!
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