The moon was one of the only places that purely benefited from the disaster; it was given an atmosphere due to explosions in earth's sky, and seeds thrown from Earth landed and started growing. Strangely, Bizarre animals started evolving too. Some humans use old technology to settle the moon.
While the royal armies fought against the rebels, the ancient spirits know as the Kami watched in silence. Only when conflict crossed their threshold did they act. The new emperor rebuilt the Great Wall of China to protect his territory from the rebels. It was even larger than before, able to repeal many attacks that were sent against it.
It wouldn’t be the end of the world if I weren’t in it, having created a post apocalyptic set before. But this time, I’m a lot more mature with a better grasp on storytelling and how Magic works. So. Let’s do this!
Maryland, U.S.A...
The Apocalypse. The media had inflicted paranoia in the masses long before the end of The Internet Age, with TV Shows like The Walking Dead being some of the most watched shows in the nation. Obviously, quite a few people prepared for the worst. Some hoarded food for fear of a famine. Others collected oil for the day the world runs dry. But most people prepared for things like government collapse, nuclear fallout, or the zombie apocalypse. Enter Joseph. While he planned on preparing for a nuclear detonation once he moved out of his parents’ trailer, he only had the resources to prepare for a different kind of fallout. The day he has to run away from home...
Sadly for Joseph, life caught up to him faster than he could ever prepare. With only a modified BB revolver and a knife, and a basic Bug-Out Bag, he was in dire straights when North Korea declared war on the U.S.. As he laid in bed, a shockwave hit his hometown, destroying almost every trailer in his neighborhood. Luckily for them, at least he had hoped, his parents were at a hospital, and should of been able to take shelter. However, this left Joseph alone as the home he had known for over 16 years was left in ruin. The radiation blocked the signal from his phone as he decides that his time had come to walk the road...
~ 15 years later ~
Ramen. Again. As the block of dried, wax coated noodles cooked over a small fire, a man sits tattered on a rock. A shell of his former self. Now known as Victor, he had finally managed to forget everything he knew through years of meditation. He had no family. No past. Only weapons and a will to protect the innocent.
As he looked from his camp to the world below, Victor knew that it was twisted. Just recently, he had infiltrated the safe house of other survivors, looking to save a kidnapped woman. However, he had to flee, as it turns out she was taken for a sacrifice, which inevitably worked. His gun may have been capable of blasting holes in mutants and other supernatural beings, but it wasn’t enough, especially against a demonic cult. Victor needed to learn magic. Thankfully, with a minor knack for the supernatural, he learned how to harness extrasensory powers. He could sense spirits, including the souls of the living, and used his powers for the greater good. But the life of a vigilante is destined to end only one way.
After acquiring military grade weapons, Victor stormed a demonic gathering in an abandoned warehouse. Taking out the cultists was a methodical task, but thanks to his powers, each shot was true. He notices a pentagram in the center of the warehouse, and a tall, hooded man with a ritual knife. Attempts to disarm the man through telekinesis didn’t work, so he had no choice but to fire his weapon, a mistake he regrets to this day. The shot hit an artery, the man bled profusely, and the pentagram flashed as a column of smoke arose. A great demon. Victor did everything he could to kill the demon, but with no enchanted weaponry in sight, the silver bullets from his gun served only to anger the demon. Lifting a mighty claw, he swung at Victor full force. Victor went to block the attack with his gun, and it snapped, the force sending Victor headfirst into a rack. Disoriented, and left with nothing else to do, Victor prayed as his life met an untimely end...
The Situation In the U.S.
POTUS: Dead. The entire capital has been decimated, leaving a huge crater in Maryland. U.S. Population: 115,935/~400 million remain
Disasters - Full Government Collapse, with few people left to enforce martial law - Nuclear fallout across the nation - Zombie apocalypse caused by reanimation experiments gone wrong. Giving in to dark magic, the experiments worked, at the cost of creating a necromancy spell that infects everyone a zombie bites. - Anarchy - Religious Collapse. With the death of Victor, the last Christian in the United States has fallen.
Okay, time for more cards from good ol' Praha: These two are some of the examples of terrors awoken by the curse (which I might start writing with a capital C when I think about it...) The Shade is entirely made up (not based of any legends and myths), but it represents a mind set of a handful of these new terrors - that the city was desecrated by tourists and other stuff and that they have to get rid of them to cleanse the streets once again. The tourists that didn't make it out of Praha before the Curse began will have a really bad time... Headless knights are pretty common in Praha's folklore, so that's a pretty easy pick. This little house comes from an actual legend. The House by the Last Lantern ("Dům u poslední lucerny") is said to appear at the end of the Gold Aisle at some specific times. Inside you can find the treshold between the visible and the invisile world, thus this house plays a pretty big role in the new events as it creates a two-way gate - either for the ghosts to materialize in the city or the mortals to try to stop them. The last card for now is Paklt here. He's a Vodník (but I decided for the Merfolk creature type for obvious reasons). He is also an actual legend and lives near the Prague Castle. He protects the waters of Praha and is one of its two only terrestrial Vodníks (Merfolks). After the Curse, Paklt realised that he has to do something and began fighting the terrors as well as gathering people to his aid. Maybe together they can stop the Curse?
Emperor Tachi was a cruel ruler. He enforced a strict totalitarian government, crushing any that dissented. Some were executed publicly, while others just disappeared. All the while, his army kept growing. Thankfully, he did not have to spend much of the treasury on the military, because most of his army was made up of the unfortunate souls who "disappeared" in the middle of the night , their bodies now rotting with the stench of death. His army was of the undead, and nothing could get in his way.
Time for some proper story. This is Witoslav. That is not his real name, he just took it as it is an older czech name, therefore more fitting for the setting. After the Curse dropped, Witoslav and his followers stormed the Prague castle and quicky overthrew the president and everyone around. Then he went to take the crown of Václav II. despite an old legent that said, that everyone not worthy of the crown who puts it on their head shall die soon (it's also in the flavor text). Witoslaw believed that he's destined for the role however and thus worthy of the crown. He... was kinda wrong. Witoslaw sat on the throne for some time, until the terrors began to intensify. A horde of them burst out of the House by the Last Lantern in the Golden Aisle (which is located in the areal of Prague castle) and attacked. A great and epic battle took place but Witoslav eventually lost and was overrun by these beings, that beat him to his death. He didn't stay dead for long though, as the beings raised him again to be their king, because they saw potential in him and respected him deeply after the battle.
@Revan What device are you using? I noticed on my iPad it tries to use weird quote symbols that don’t work with CSS. I have to manually select the right one.
It might do that then. I’m not sure on kindle fire (mom has one so I can see when I get home), but on most devices, if you hold your finger/stylus on a symbol, it will show different options. For quotation marks, it should show straight quotes and curly quotes. If you use the straight quotes it works, but if you use the curly ones (default for mobile devices) it won’t. It does the same thing with apostrophes too. Hope this helps.
If it would be ok, I made a world map of all taken countries. The red ones are with cards, green ones are claimed but without cards. Oh, it's not in really good quality...
I'm down. I think I'll continue on with the turmoil on American soil. (Seeing as how there are a LOT of cardsmiths from Ohio...) I claim the state of OHIO in the good 'ol USA.
I will work on the story later and my card for this. (How many cards can we make for this @KJMartin? And off subject, whatever happened to your creature types contest...?)
The Buddha was a near mythical figure in Chinese history. But after the disaster, and China was split in two, he came back. He promotes his philosophy where every he goes and many cannot help but follow his teachings. Once the earth has been made a peaceful place once more, he will ascend back to the Heavens, watching and waiting for when the world needs him next.
The State of The State of Maryland (Follow up to my previous exerpt)
For some bizarre reason, all of the righteous in the land died, be it from the blasts of warheads, zombie attacks, or “supernatural circumstances”. With Victor’s body a bloody pulp on the floor of the warehouse, the demonic cult he slew, now controlled by they demon they worked to summon, works to enslave all life in the world. Heretics, atheists, satanists, and wiccans all rule the land, as any sign of religion has been desecrated. However, whispers have spread of a strange individual... a being without a voice or a face, who walks the land with motives unknown. Some call them a stranger, some a friend, but one name has stuck. They have dubbed this person “The Fox Mask Killer”, and no one who has made enemies with them has survived. Only one person has lived to tell the tale, saying how their blade fell through like nothing was there...
While the royal armies fought against the rebels, the ancient spirits know as the Kami watched in silence. Only when conflict crossed their threshold did they act.
The new emperor rebuilt the Great Wall of China to protect his territory from the rebels. It was even larger than before, able to repeal many attacks that were sent against it.
Maryland, U.S.A...
The Apocalypse. The media had inflicted paranoia in the masses long before the end of The Internet Age, with TV Shows like The Walking Dead being some of the most watched shows in the nation. Obviously, quite a few people prepared for the worst. Some hoarded food for fear of a famine. Others collected oil for the day the world runs dry. But most people prepared for things like government collapse, nuclear fallout, or the zombie apocalypse. Enter Joseph. While he planned on preparing for a nuclear detonation once he moved out of his parents’ trailer, he only had the resources to prepare for a different kind of fallout. The day he has to run away from home...
Sadly for Joseph, life caught up to him faster than he could ever prepare. With only a modified BB revolver and a knife, and a basic Bug-Out Bag, he was in dire straights when North Korea declared war on the U.S.. As he laid in bed, a shockwave hit his hometown, destroying almost every trailer in his neighborhood. Luckily for them, at least he had hoped, his parents were at a hospital, and should of been able to take shelter. However, this left Joseph alone as the home he had known for over 16 years was left in ruin. The radiation blocked the signal from his phone as he decides that his time had come to walk the road...
~ 15 years later ~
Ramen. Again. As the block of dried, wax coated noodles cooked over a small fire, a man sits tattered on a rock. A shell of his former self. Now known as Victor, he had finally managed to forget everything he knew through years of meditation. He had no family. No past. Only weapons and a will to protect the innocent.
As he looked from his camp to the world below, Victor knew that it was twisted. Just recently, he had infiltrated the safe house of other survivors, looking to save a kidnapped woman. However, he had to flee, as it turns out she was taken for a sacrifice, which inevitably worked. His gun may have been capable of blasting holes in mutants and other supernatural beings, but it wasn’t enough, especially against a demonic cult. Victor needed to learn magic. Thankfully, with a minor knack for the supernatural, he learned how to harness extrasensory powers. He could sense spirits, including the souls of the living, and used his powers for the greater good. But the life of a vigilante is destined to end only one way.
After acquiring military grade weapons, Victor stormed a demonic gathering in an abandoned warehouse. Taking out the cultists was a methodical task, but thanks to his powers, each shot was true. He notices a pentagram in the center of the warehouse, and a tall, hooded man with a ritual knife. Attempts to disarm the man through telekinesis didn’t work, so he had no choice but to fire his weapon, a mistake he regrets to this day. The shot hit an artery, the man bled profusely, and the pentagram flashed as a column of smoke arose. A great demon. Victor did everything he could to kill the demon, but with no enchanted weaponry in sight, the silver bullets from his gun served only to anger the demon. Lifting a mighty claw, he swung at Victor full force. Victor went to block the attack with his gun, and it snapped, the force sending Victor headfirst into a rack. Disoriented, and left with nothing else to do, Victor prayed as his life met an untimely end...
The Situation In the U.S.
POTUS: Dead. The entire capital has been decimated, leaving a huge crater in Maryland.
U.S. Population: 115,935/~400 million remain
- Full Government Collapse, with few people left to enforce martial law
- Nuclear fallout across the nation
- Zombie apocalypse caused by reanimation experiments gone wrong. Giving in to dark magic, the experiments worked, at the cost of creating a necromancy spell that infects everyone a zombie bites.
- Anarchy
- Religious Collapse. With the death of Victor, the last Christian in the United States has fallen.
| To be updated later |
These two are some of the examples of terrors awoken by the curse (which I might start writing with a capital C when I think about it...)
The Shade is entirely made up (not based of any legends and myths), but it represents a mind set of a handful of these new terrors - that the city was desecrated by tourists and other stuff and that they have to get rid of them to cleanse the streets once again. The tourists that didn't make it out of Praha before the Curse began will have a really bad time...
Headless knights are pretty common in Praha's folklore, so that's a pretty easy pick.
This little house comes from an actual legend. The House by the Last Lantern ("Dům u poslední lucerny") is said to appear at the end of the Gold Aisle at some specific times. Inside you can find the treshold between the visible and the invisile world, thus this house plays a pretty big role in the new events as it creates a two-way gate - either for the ghosts to materialize in the city or the mortals to try to stop them.
The last card for now is Paklt here. He's a Vodník (but I decided for the Merfolk creature type for obvious reasons). He is also an actual legend and lives near the Prague Castle. He protects the waters of Praha and is one of its two only terrestrial Vodníks (Merfolks).
After the Curse, Paklt realised that he has to do something and began fighting the terrors as well as gathering people to his aid. Maybe together they can stop the Curse?
Emperor Tachi was a cruel ruler. He enforced a strict totalitarian government, crushing any that dissented. Some were executed publicly, while others just disappeared. All the while, his army kept growing. Thankfully, he did not have to spend much of the treasury on the military, because most of his army was made up of the unfortunate souls who "disappeared" in the middle of the night , their bodies now rotting with the stench of death. His army was of the undead, and nothing could get in his way.
This is Witoslav. That is not his real name, he just took it as it is an older czech name, therefore more fitting for the setting. After the Curse dropped, Witoslav and his followers stormed the Prague castle and quicky overthrew the president and everyone around. Then he went to take the crown of Václav II. despite an old legent that said, that everyone not worthy of the crown who puts it on their head shall die soon (it's also in the flavor text). Witoslaw believed that he's destined for the role however and thus worthy of the crown. He... was kinda wrong.
Witoslaw sat on the throne for some time, until the terrors began to intensify. A horde of them burst out of the House by the Last Lantern in the Golden Aisle (which is located in the areal of Prague castle) and attacked. A great and epic battle took place but Witoslav eventually lost and was overrun by these beings, that beat him to his death. He didn't stay dead for long though, as the beings raised him again to be their king, because they saw potential in him and respected him deeply after the battle.
It will help you find out how to post card images directly to the forum without everyone having to click on the links to find out what it is.
I can't tell if it's working or not.
I've never been able to get it to work, ever.
Oh, it's not in really good quality...
Don't forget the galapagos! Everyone frogets the galapagos! >:(
Also, are we trying to cover the whole world?
Oh, sorry.
I will work on the story later and my card for this. (How many cards can we make for this @KJMartin? And off subject, whatever happened to your creature types contest...?)
The Buddha was a near mythical figure in Chinese history. But after the disaster, and China was split in two, he came back. He promotes his philosophy where every he goes and many cannot help but follow his teachings. Once the earth has been made a peaceful place once more, he will ascend back to the Heavens, watching and waiting for when the world needs him next.
You can make as many cards as you want. Also, I had a pretty long hiatus, but the creature type contest is up and running now
For some bizarre reason, all of the righteous in the land died, be it from the blasts of warheads, zombie attacks, or “supernatural circumstances”. With Victor’s body a bloody pulp on the floor of the warehouse, the demonic cult he slew, now controlled by they demon they worked to summon, works to enslave all life in the world. Heretics, atheists, satanists, and wiccans all rule the land, as any sign of religion has been desecrated. However, whispers have spread of a strange individual... a being without a voice or a face, who walks the land with motives unknown. Some call them a stranger, some a friend, but one name has stuck. They have dubbed this person “The Fox Mask Killer”, and no one who has made enemies with them has survived. Only one person has lived to tell the tale, saying how their blade fell through like nothing was there...