It's a Miracle! {Judged}



  • @Norzael
    Must be an Instant or Sorcery!?
  • @Norzael you did say it's an instant or sorcery ability, but I think that the creature entries should be counted. For example, Faiths_Guide's Promised Phoenix is one of the most creative entries I've seen in the challenge, and nothing on the ability restricts it to Instants and Sorceries. I think that if we're going to try to revitalize Miracle, we should try new things with it, and that includes exploring new creature types.

    Plus I have a bunch of creature entries that I don't want obliterated.
  • @SteampunkDragon I understand this completely. But in the guidelines I stated the card must be an Instant or Sorcery. I wanted it as such to keep the pool limited. I'm sorry if you feel otherwise, but I stated it in my original post under the guidelines. Sorry.
  • @Norzael ok, I was hoping to keep those cards but it's your contest and your rules so there's not much I can do is there? I'll be keeping the sorcery I made, though, which is meant as support for a miracle deck.
  • edited September 2019
    Tagging @Temurzoa to let them know that their entry will probably not count, since it's a creature that grants Miracle. (edit: and not an instant or sorcery, like the rules stated; I feel like that's something the majority of people here skimmed over and missed or blatantly ignored - I'm betting on the former)
  • edited September 2019
    You're totally right, of course, I just missed it. To be honest, I remembered there was a miracle contest on the forums, got inspired to make a miracle design, and posted it without re-reading the contest rules. Sorry about that!
  • @Faiths_Guide Its all good. I try to hold true to my guidelines to make it fair for others.
  • Here’s an old card:

  • Is this allowed?

  • edited September 2019
    @shadow123 For Even Heroes Die, you could probably alter the Strive ability by adding "If you cast this spell for its miracle cost, it costs {b} more for each target beyond the first instead." Then you could add the Miracle cost as the same cost of the card without reminder text. That should make both mechanics work properly and fit within the guidelines, I think.
  • @CnBCustoms
    I don't think that's exactly the greatest idea. 3 mana to destroy three legends and/or planeswalkers if you Miracle it and pay the Strive cost twice is insane.
  • @Damnation
    It would be 5 mana to destroy three legends and/or planeswalkers if you miracled and payed for the strive cost twice. I was just suggesting that it have a miracle cost of {2}{b} and a caveat added to the strive ability to get the effect @shadow123 was looking for. As the card is now, it just doesn't have miracle.
  • Oh, my bad, I read the card wrong then. Guess I'll have to change my response in the general card discussion thread by Faith's Guide then.
  • edited September 2019

    EDIT: Fixed Repeating Revelations.
  • @Damnation @CnBCusroms thanks so much for the feedback! I’ll make a new version of the card!
  • Hello Everyone.

    I apologize for the delay, my weekend was hectic and didn't get time until now to take care of this. I will begin judging now and have results up soon.

    Thank you.
  • Hello Everyone!

    It is now time for the results. I had a difficult time trying to find these placements above the others. There were a few other cards that caught my eye initially, but after closer inspection they just didn't hold up against these cards.

    Honorable Mention -
    Otherworldly Reformation by @Damnation - 1 Favorite

    This is definitely a game changer, and a miracle I'd love hitting. But overall, it wasn't top 3 because of it being too strong. If the lands didn't enter tapped, and maybe one less card type destroyed, it may have made it up there. It was still a great card, so good job!

    3rd Place -
    Repeating Revelations by @SteampunkDragon - 3 Favorites

    I really enjoy the simple concept of this card, but also how heavy of an impact it can hold in long term games. Great job on this!

    2nd Place -
    Nimue's Radiance by @sanjaya666 - 4 Favorites

    This card was by far one of my favorites before critiquing. I loved the art, the concept, and the overall versatility. This was a great job well done! I feel this deserves more attention and just, wow. Awesome job.

    1st Place-
    Put to Rest by @CnBCustoms - 5 Favorites and a Follow ( 7 Favorites since i already follow you)

    This was another card that caught my eye instantaneously. The flavor is so good, the cost's are perfect, and that helps bring the ability be that much better. This card puts a great balance in any deck, and could bring great results. Great job!

    Thank you to everyone who entered! And congrats to all winners and honorable mentions!
  • @Norzael
    Forgot to submit a valid entry.

    Congrats @Winners and @Mentionable!
  • edited September 2019
    @Norzael Heyy, thanks! I have no preference for the favs though. So here's my user page instead:

  • @SteampunkDragon

    Just as a reminder, I still have yet to get favorite requests from you.
This discussion has been closed.