Varnia and the 5 Houses (Classic Style Set, and my first Serious set)

edited November 2019 in Custom Card Sets
Supplemental (You may skip reading this part): Since i discovered this site around the time Theros came out, I have done a lot of smithing. Top down, crazy, psychotic smithing. But... there's something I've never done before now (other than actually finish a set. We don't talk about that). Set planning. You know, the part of R&D where you build the foundation? In fact, I think the reason I've never finished a set is because all this time, I haven't been making sets. Rather, I've been making cards based around a theme. My sets have had a foundation and decoration, but the walls have been flimsy, and actually structure has been entirely absent. The result? It collapses, depicted in me normally moving on to the next idea I have. Enter Varnia. This set has a simple theme, and that's to keep things simple, build from the ground up, and establish a truly playable set.

A line of brave soldiers stand at the edge of a hill, donning their brass armor and white cloth. Their shields create a line of defense as they inch towards the Land of No Purpose. A group of dark skinned monks in blue robes walk towards them, unarmed, accompanied by birds, drakes, and merfolk.

"Halt, invaders! This land isn't open to your type!"

"But we come in peace. To negotiate."

"There is no negotiation for your people. You are untrustworthy tricksters, trying to deceive our kingdom to fulfill your desires. You use peace as an Illusion. If you want to conversate, plead to the gods when you reach Elysium's gate!"

Suddenly, the soldiers swarm the monks. A group of horseback riders assemble to strike the apparent leader down, crushing him under their steeds. Fierce leonin warriors charge into the fray, cutting down anyone the horses missed. The horsemen flank the enemy's front line, and push them from their allies. Suddenly, the enemy disappears, and the horsemen are ambushed from behind. The birds swoop down, and manage to knock multiple of the soldiers off their mounts. It's clear they are attempting to surround them, and in the blink of an eye, the front line fades back into existence, surrounding the horsemen entirely in an inescapable circle. With a burst of blue magic, the horsemen are entirely gone. Not wanting to take any more risks, the soldiers retreat, and the monks leave the area to interrogate their new prisoners.


Varnia is a land of classic sword and sorcery. Chivalrous knights. Peaceful monks. Ritualistic shamans. Rampaging berserkers. Nature-loving druids. All of them seek a world where everyone lives in harmony, but segregation, isolationism, and extreme nationalist pride has resulted in severe content among all five nations.


Esgar is a continent of knights and chivalry. Home to the most honorable fighters in the land, it is well protected, and respected for its warriors and overhanded approach to combat. They believe conflict should be solved through fair battles with simple weaponry, and only use magic for protection. They also use magic to imbue their equipment and themselves with blessings. Esgardians may not normally be extremely religious like the Solabi's Devoted, but their teachings are heavily embodied in prayer to Goddess Solsta.

Positive Aspect: Chivalry
Negative Aspect: Oppression
Government: Monarchy


Anzeka is a continent of monks and peace. They would much rather solve conflict through harmless intervention and countermagic, and are acknowledged for their superior cunning and strategic prowess. They use magic to enforce laws, assist in their meditation, empower their bodies and minds, and to diffuse violent confrontations. If they must fight, they often never do so with weapons, using a variety of non-lethal combat techniques and light, blunt instruments.

Positive Aspect: Pacifism
Negative Aspect: Naivety
Government: Oligarchy


Solabi is, ironically, the primary religious sect of Varnia, devoted so fully to their god that they named the kingdom after him. They believe that everyone should give everything they have for society and each other, and trust that the powers that be will bring about peace. They are renowned for being loyal to a fault, but they are scrutinized for practicing the dark arts. Sacrificial rites. Bloodlettings. Eldritch invocations and witchcraft. No one knows the true reason behind their devotion, but many have the supernatural fear that they will summon Solabi to gain control of the world, and avoid their attention.

Positive Aspect: Selflessness
Negative Aspect: Thoughtless Devotion
Government: Churches govern at a local level


Sylva is a refuge for minorities, but it is populated and controlled almost entirely by women, mainly rebels from Esgar who feel they were mistreated, or even abused. They feel an ideal world is one where everyone is equal, and arrange mass marches in protest. When they fight,they strike fear into the hearts of the masses through blitzkrieg tactics, extreme force, and potent pyromancy. They are feared for their ferocity, and the other continents make a point to avoid conflict with them at all costs.

Positive Aspect: Freedom
Negative Aspect: Inconformity
Government: None; a loose militia group keeps troublemakers in check, for the Sylva believe that governments are a sign of oppression.


The other four continents want to unite Varnia under their banner, but the Roots of Grunwald have a single purpose and motive; keep everything in it's natural order. To protect nature, and the ideal image of life. They are known well for their dominance, so much so that no kingdoms have attempted to confront them since the olden times. They harness the power of the wilds, and call upon beasts and the creatures of nature for their protection.

Positive Aspect: Order
Negative Aspect: Isolationism
Government: Democracy


Many civilians have turned away from the five factions, due to their normally extremist ideals, and are forced to live in the Land of No Purpose. However, in many cases, they cannot find peace. They may be recruited by force or kidnapping. They may lose their jobs, their homes, or even their lives, in the wake of battles, either between two factions, or in the defense of their way of life. Their lives are dangerous ones, and they hope that they may one day escape the constant fear of conflict.


  • edited November 2019
    I hate saying this,

    Unless you're planning to play up some of White's negative aspects with Esgar, such as the social control that can easily tie into white beliefs like charity and community first, then I'm going to have to say that the lore connecting it and Sylva feels either incredibly forced or inherently misogynistic.

    But, it's early days, and I'm looking forward to seeing how you flesh out the lore.

    I'm saying this stuff because you made a note of how Sylva is run mostly by Women, composed of minorities, and from how you wrote the lore, Sylva is the aggressor state, even compared to Solabi, which is the traditional Evil color of MtG, especially since you're trying to make a classically styled set.

    EDIT: After reading more of the lore, which I honestly should have, I'm feeling slightly better about the state of the lore, but my concerns regarding Esgar and Sylva still remain.
  • edited November 2019
    @stormbreath Yeah. Esgar is a lot more focused on old-fashioned "negative" conformity. They are incredibly rude, and quite personally, you wouldn't want to live there. The set overall is basically politics.

    While Sylva is quite aggressive, there is a bit of bleed into Boros (which will show up if this ever gets a part 2). Their aggression is well-founded on rebellion, but over time, Sylva has fleshed into its own rebellious nation, focused on self with no real level of conformity. Aka, the exact opposite of Esgar.
  • I will only be in this for the world building/lore/flavour.
  • @KorandAngels This is mainly a planing thing, and details will be subject to change.
  • so I won't be here. Goodbye.
  • @Tommia don’t want to be “that guy” but your factions are giving me pts flashbacks to the courts of Eldraine (although yours are more interesting and thought out) Do you have any ideas to make them feel more unique and different from the courts?
  • edited November 2019
    @IzItTru I'm thinking on it. Biggest problem is, Eldraine was announced about a month after I began planning Varnia... in fact, this happens a lot

    - Hyperbase Reboot Plan (Futuristic Theme): Kaladesh Announced
    - Ignisp, a Planeswalker-heavy plane: War of the Spark announced
    - Stitia, a plane with a curse of rebirth and [CENSORED]: Unknown to me, the Amonkhet block had a similar story theme (good is really evil and everything is a lie)
    - Varnia, an "advanced core set with a story" type plane based around 5 monocolored factions: Eldraine announced
  • @Tommia

    to be fair...war of the spark was already teased rather far in advance. Stitia's actual counterpart (the rebirth theme, good is rly evil, etc) could actually be lowrwyn/shadowmoor. Varnia as a story-based plane might actually still work perfectly. Eldraine feels a bit failed imho, it lacks a lot of the tone people actually expected and though there IS story focus, it's mostly in wordplay and a few cards in general really. Not to mention, eldraine's not the first set based on stories...arabian nights, three kingdoms anyone?

    My advice, don't worry about it, go for your set as you desire it to be. MTG more or less recycles ideas all the time, so why not do the same and give it a personal spin? Just like mtg, in the end the success depends on the mechanics, the synergy and the overall use of the cards with other sets.
  • edited November 2019
    @Tommia yeah I’m not trying to discourage you, I can totally relate what you saying. The courts of Eldraine were pretty lame as well and yours are much more interesting.
  • edited November 2019
    Color Focus

    Throughout Magic the Gathering history, each color has normally had set morals. White is your goody two-shoes obey the law, black is your "get what I want because I want it", and so on. However, with all colors except green, Varnia focuses on slightly more overlooked elements of each color's personality. White is not innately good. Black is not innately bad. Each color will have a main "personality", and a lot of cards will express this.

    Noncreature - Conformity/Noncreature permanents
    Creature - Strategy/Versatility
    Mechanics: Exalted, Flanking

    A woman is sent home from the army draft, absent of her equipment. Her gear took months to forge, just to be stripped away, all because of her status in society.

    A man is hung in the town square by his arms, tied to a pole with a chain. Down below, the commoners throw insults and objects alike as he is dishonored in front of his family, beaten with sticks and bruised with stones. This is his punishment for his crime against Esgar, which was a meager ordeal; he protected his daughter from an attacker, injuring the attacker in the process.

    Laws in Esgar are enforced to a fault, with no regards to anyone or anything. Think of Esgar as mono-white Azorious, except they're even bigger jerks. Capital punishment is extreme, and their old-fashioned ideals plague their sense of righteousness and justice. It's just as much a crime to steal a coin off a commoner than it is to steal a life, and in many cases, people are arrested for not committing any crime at all. Such is why many of the women of Esgar rebelled; some were getting arrested just for trying to take their lives into their own hands.

    Noncreature - Pacifism/Countermeasures
    Creature - Self-Defense/Noncreature synergy
    Mechanics: Phasing, prowess

    A monk meditates far out in the Land of No Purpose, embracing the silence around him, when he is attacked. He traps the attacker in a temporal rift, and they reappear in Anzeka to be interrogated, released, and hopefully, convinced into joining their cause.

    Instigators from Esgar ride into Anzeka with lances held high, hoping to avenge their recently cast-off comrades. They are stopped at the border, but they fight their way through to the containing area, an open courtyard with sloped walls. They are ambushed as monks restrain them with pressure point manipulation and detaining techniques. However, they are convinced that the men are simply misdirected, and send them on their way.

    The Descendants of Anzeka are one with peace. They will gladly take any non-violent solution their is to the problem, which, in set, translates to a lot of defensive strategies. Mill will be somewhat competitively viable, but not at a dull, unengaging pace that's non-interactive. In extreme cases, the Anzekans will use force, as demonstrated though the Prowess mechanic. They are pure of mind and of heart, and are the only faction without an ongoing declaration of war.

    Noncreature - Rituals
    Creature - Disposables/Long Term Plans (i.e. Malevolent Noble)
    Mechanics: Exploit (now appears on noncreature spells), Undying

    A group of clerics gather around a small font in the center of a chamber. A small stone hangs from the ceiling, dripping demon blood, drop after drop, into the container. Today, Solabi has welcomed each and every one of them into a standing of higher power, each to be marked by his "gift".

    A beggar lies on the floor in front of a high priest. He prays to be forgiven, and the priest retrieves a small lockbox from the cabinet. Inside is a jagged, but precisely made blade, forged so smoothly with years of expertise, and the priest hands it to him.

    "Solabi forgives you, if you are willing to show him that you are still devoted. Give your life, and you will be welcome into the eternal."

    The man takes the blade, and impales himself in the heart. Moments later, after his death, he is delivered to the font, destined to be reborn as one of Solabi's own.

    Solabi's Devoted are wholeheartedly sworn to their deity. The demons of Solabi are not inherently malevolent, many only seeking devotion to Solabi and the occasional blood offering. They believe that mortal life is not a gift, but a test. A test of devotion. Those that succeed are destined to be reborn as immortal half-demons, gaining more free will than the average devotee. Those that fail are not useless, but rather not ready. They are given a second life. Another chance to prove their devotion. In a society so selfless and self-sufficient, it's no wonder why the Solabi are normally quite peaceful... until disturbed.

    Noncreature - Direct Damage
    Creature - High tempo synergy
    Mechanics: Dash, Riot

    The same woman from before has fled Esgar in search of freedom. She trained under the tutelage of her father for years to learn the fine art of swordplay. However, in a moment, she was reduced from a would-be soldier to another figure. Another number. 6302. She was the 6302nd woman to ever try to become a knight, and was stripped of not just her pride, but her honor, in the blink of an eye.

    A group is forming in the streets. Everyone carries a torch as they march from Sylva to Esgar. They don't plan for things to get violent, but they're ready if they do. The woman walks up to the apparent leader of the group, and they know exactly why she's here.

    "So I see they kicked you out too. Don't worry. We're going to Esgar, and whether they like it or not, we're going to see change."

    Freedom fighters, all day, every day. The Heart of Sylva beats with the footsteps of a thousand marching feet. Some march with torches as a sign of protest. Others storm with weapons as a sign of rebellion. Sylva is somewhat split on how it wants to deal with problems; some want to protest, others want to riot. Some try to ignite hearts with words of change, others want to ignite buildings with pyromancy. No matter the case, Sylvians stand for one thing and one thing only; freedom for all.

    Noncreature - Pump/Reinforce
    Creature - Stompers and Mana producers
    Mechanics: Awaken (not keyworded)/Land creatures, Ferocious

    "For over 100 years, I've stood with the Everoak, ensuring it stays safe. I've only moved to eat or meditate. No one has come close, mainly because no one wants to, but in part because anyone that enters our territory unwelcome never stays for very long. The last person that got within my eye was evicted by a bear pack. We defend our wilds together, as creatures of nature, and we will ensure she remains safe."

    Fresh footprints are traced through the mud by a druid. Behind them is their wolf. They don't see each other as owner and pet, or master or slave. They are allies, and partners. One and the same as they follow the trespasser to a small campground.

    "Leave now, intruders. Your ideals are trivial, and your presence moreso."

    The Roots of Grunwald are single-purposed, entirely focused on keeping Grunwald safe. They can evoke beasts and the power of the wilds, and are excellent sharpshooters. They coexist so heavily with nature that wild animals are considered part of society. In fact, they can speak to them too, so it isn't strange to see a Grunwald elf and a bear talking about the beauties of nature. They can also wake the land if they have to; as long as they protect Grunwald, Grunwald will protect them as well.
  • Varnia Set Symbols. Basic? Very. Do they get the point across whilst being distinct? Yes.


  • I love the lore you've added to the sets, and Like what you've done with Esgar and Sylva. Too many people forget that White can be just as damaging as Black, and Black can be as soothing as white, in the right hands.
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