"X" Marks the Spot - Finding the hidden treasures of Ixalan's Pirates
Mining the quotes, references and articles from the Ixalan block and WotC material there seems there is an as of yet untapped wealth of hidden treasures among those referenced, but yet to be utilised, personalities, locales, trappings and accouterment. I have begun delving through the lore and here are some of my recent discoveries. I would appreciate feedback, suggestions, corrections and perhaps seeing your own discoveries as well.
I will begin with the "Brazen Coalition" and post the other cards as individual posts afterwards:
The card's original flavour text was intended to read:
“The trick’s keeping ‘em fed, not getting the lot of ‘em
together, gold and battle's like blood in the water, only a matter
of time before they catch a whiff and the seas’ full of
-Quinton Sage, Coalition Quartermaster
-Quinton Sage, Coalition Quartermaster
I couldn't fit all of that on the card obviously. I think the above quote (on the card) should probably read:
"Gold and battle is like blood in the water, once they catch a whiff the seas’ full of Pirates."
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Which led to:
^Artist: Craig J. Spearing
And the captain's ship:
^Artist: Joakim Ericsson
For a nautically themed set I feel Vehicles, namely ships were sorely under represented in Ixalan's block so will be focusing on bringing highlighting some of the nautical themes and ships that may have been cast away due to other issues, namely streamlining the official set/mechanics.
Admiral of the Dire Fleet:
I liked the idea of a Rakdos Captain pushing his crew to their limits and beyond and though the persist mechanic represented that well. Also the majority of the Dire Fleet Pirates we have seen have toughness of 2 meaning they could survive their captain’s iron handed tactics. I considered giving him haste or the ability to give haste counters but on second thought considered more suited to Red/Blue Storm Fleet pirates.
—Captain Brandis Thorn
The masthead of the (Second) Scourge as mentioned in a WotC article and depicted ion the card for Admiral Beckett Brass .
Card: https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/brass-lion?list=set&set=53516
Navigator of the Squid Eyes, Jareth Wake:
Navigator of the Sourge, Lex Briggs:
Admiral of the Deadeye Fleet: