
What does everyone think of the new Wastes basic lad coming out in Oath of the Gatewatch? How long is this basic land going to stay a thing, and how big of an impact on Magic will it make?



  • Just testing something
  • I personally see no need at all for wastes, and đó not like them. I would have rather seen a new color of magic before this crap.
  • Well it really won't make much of a difference except for colorless decks. Now they can completely avoid the "destroy colored lands" cards that exist and have no penalty for it. In addition, it might be possible for cards pertaining to Wastes, such as "you can only pay for the mana cost with basic lands. Negative affect based on how many colors you used".
  • Wastes are really confusing me
  • @llamalord44 the simple one is just a basic land that makes colorless mana instead of any of the five.
  • I know, but some spells have the waste symbol and the colorless symbol in their mana cost. How does that work?
  • Usually, you can pay for colorless mana with any color, including colorless. Now you specifically need the Waste card to cast those, along with any other color drawn. Imagine "Waste" is a 6th color
  • However it is not a 6th color because now anything that does not add a color mana (think artifact, some creatures, ext) now add this new wastes mana.... I dont like it
  • You can pay for Myrs (colorless artifact creatures) with red mana, right? Same concept. Waste mana can be used for either colorless or Waste colored mana.
  • Also, anything older that makes colorless mana makes the mana Wastes makes, thanks to errata.
  • To clarify things here a little bit, colorless mana (as we used to call it), is, simply put, incorrect. There has never been "colorless" mana until now with the addition of "wastes mana". The symbols used which allow you to pay with any color are "generic mana" symbols not colorless mana.

    So now we have "3 categories": Colored mana, Colorless mana, and Generic mana.
  • Right you are... so what it boils down to is this...
    Colored Mana Symbols - {w}{u}{b}{r}{g} = You must pay that color
    Colorless Mana Symbol - {c} = You must pay NO colored mana, only colorless
    Generic Mana Symbols - {1}{2}{3}{4}{5} etc. = You can use any type of mana
  • edited December 2015
    Exactly, oh Clarifier of Clarification.
  • LoL... I half expected a Captain Obvious!
  • Waste mana (the diamond symbol) is colourless mana. The old mana symbols with just a number in a gray circle is generic mana. Generic mana can be casted with ANY colour mana, even colourless. Colourless mana cannot, it will need cards that generate mana of no colour at all. It's actually pretty simple.
  • @Oduda I'm starting to think it would be easier to just call it "Grey Mana" since it behaves like a 6th color.
  • edited January 2016
    @TheClayKnight Well I have heard that they are considering periwinkle as the 6th colour.
  • Wastes will be this set only or until we have a return to Zendikar or eldrazi themed set. The mana symbol will be in costs of spells only for this set or any set in which "color matters" The mana symbol for colorless itself will be used on cards that produce colorless mana indefinitely. Numbers in enclosed circles will only be seen on costs from now on, making it so the explanation of costs and generic mana and the differentiation of different types of mana are easier to explain to new players.

    Its not that hard to understand.
  • I think wastes are interesting but in a 3 pack draft you can only have 3 so that's not so good
  • that's assuming that everyone picks a waste each pack
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