Lands withtout mana abilities? **Circuit Challenge**

Yes, that's right. This new challange is rather strange. What is it about?

Create a land that doesn't have a typical "tap to add mana" ability.

These lands haven't been printed in a long time (and for a good reason honestly, but I want to see what fun stuff we can do!). Some in-game examples would be:

Some further rules and whatever:
  • Fetchlands don't count (includes cards like Fabled Passage, Evolving Wilds, Myriad Landscape, etc)
  • Up to three entries per person
  • One entry can be old
  • Make your cards look pretty and correctly worded
  • Judging around the 18th of April
1st place: 4 faves and I will create a land dedicated to you + 1 Circuit Point
2nd place: 3 faves + 3/4 Circuit Point
3rd place: 2 faves + 1/2 Circuit Point
Honorable Mentions: +1/4 Circuit Point

Happy smithing! Or... terraforming?


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