Trying to figure out how to balance cards, been making them for a whole 3 days.
I've definitely gotten better at not making cards completely broken, but in return their absolutely horrible! I just need some help on making cards not busted and not so horrible that they would never be played if the cards actually existed!
The best piece of advice I can give is to look at what WotC has already done and balance accordingly. If you have an idea for a spell, check out scryfall and search for cards that do similar things so you get a good idea of what sort of mana value and rarity you should be aiming for, and then adjust accordingly. Pay attention to things like flexibility and the little upsides and downsides that come with each card.
A good comparison is Lightning Strike and Brimstone Volley. A 3 mana spell that does 3 damage isn't great when you've got Lightning Strike but the upside of doing 5 damage in the right scenario makes it a playable card.
Aside from that, all I can recommend that hasn't already been recommended is: Make a bunch of cards. Just. So many cards. Now, I'm not saying rush them out, or force yourself to design or anything, but there's only so much you can learn about card design without designing cards yourself. As you design more, you'll get a better intuitive grip on things like card balancing, the color pie, and especially wording/templating. "Practice makes perfect" is a phrase for a reason.
Good luck! Glad to see someone eager to learn and improve!