Weekly Challenge: Metals of the Multiverse

This week, my challenge is to create a card featuring one of these fantastical metals:

Darksteel http://mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/Darksteel_metal
Must have Indestructible
Etherium http://mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/Etherium
Must be an artifact requiring colored mana
Mizzium http://mtgsalvation.gamepedia.com/Mizzium
Must have some sort of chaotic properties

ALL ENTRIES must be artifacts or artifact creatures.
The winners, one for creativity and one for flavor, each get a Trophy!

I have been having a small amount of entries in my recent weeklies, and would very much appreciate if you spread the word around about my weeklies. Thank you. :)

Happy Metalshaping!


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