@Tomigon Hey could you please make Omnath in this artwork by Brad Rigney all grey? And perhaps also the energy around him grey if that's possible. I want him to look like an Eldrazi, so I wanted him to be grey to show that. I actually tried to do this before, but it didn't come out very well.
Here's the card that I made with it. It's in Oath of the Gatewatch because It's supposed to be Omnath, Locus of Rage (the one in Battle for Zendikar) after he got corrupted by the Eldrazi. https://mtgcardsmith.com/view/omnath-locus-of-nihilation
Sorry, I forgot your request. I hope you like the background that I made.
Hey could you please make Omnath in this artwork by Brad Rigney all grey?
Then you could just put grey scale effect to the entire image.
But Eldrazis are not grey. How about something like this?
Nice card! I would make it a little more expensive. It's a Rain of Salt with 5/5.
Like this?
Can you remove the "claparo commision" from this picture for me, please?
Sorry, I don't do that. I think the artist wants the version without watermark to be owned by only person who commissioned it.
I used these two pictures: todd-ulrich-treant.jpg SPLDA2DR75MBHMSR5GQ7BMIZLA.jpg
Do you think you can make it look better? I did a pretty shoddy job, hAH-
I can't see your result.
I'm not sure. I don't have good equipment to do photoshop work right now. Treanu Leave is funny!