Challengers of Fate 1.1: The First Holy War

Stitia. Most of you don't need an introduction at this point, but a recall never hurts. Besides, for some, this is their first time hearing about it. This plane blends classical tropes of dark fantasy and epic fantasy into a grim battle for humanity. Some may say it's reminiscent of Innistrad, but Stitia has its own caveats. You may still have to worry about your classical zombies, vampires, werewolves, and friends, but on Stitia, the greatest enemy is trust. Don't trust anyone or anything, for it isn't ever as it seems. Anyone can be twisted by the dark energies of the plane; the leylines are permanently corrupted by a demon as old as time, ensuring that one way or another, all will return to his ancient ways...

Hellfire has rained upon the glistening city of Roojkah Dahm, mankind's symbol of peace in a warring world. Is this an act of Khantsievth? Have the gods forsaken the populace? Or is there a greater threat looming on the horizon? No matter what, tensions between religious sects and dark cults have reached a fever pitch. With the mysterious assassination of King Vedelfas, the draconic noble ruler of the ancient kingdoms surrounding the grand city, fingers are being pointed, and a holy war has begun. The people need a champion, but how will they gather one? Without Vedelfas, the Tournament of Rooj'kah Dahm was over before it started, and it only got worse from there. The Souls' Bane, thought to be the only weapon capable of slaying gods, has gone missing. Even worse than that, its former wielder, Nezel, is thought to have been claimed in the attack on the city. No survivors recall him fleeing the city, and everyone lives in feat that their only hope has been lost...

Until now.

Refugees from the nation of Descoria have discovered an ancient effigy carved deep into a magic wellspring. They say it is the resting place of an ancient but powerful god, capable of defending the people. Attempting to summon him, however, has been a failure. Even the strongest clerics and cultists have had their power drained into the wellspring trying to stir him, and they've only received one thing in return, a message...

Bring me a worthy warrior, and they shall wield my power.

Welcome, Challenger!

This Saga will be a six round, multilevel-inspired elimination tournament, where contestants are eliminated after accruing two total losses. Your character(s) will be fighting for first place, be it for their kingdom, for their army, or for personal reasons, perhaps to claim the power of The Lost God They could be from Stitia or elsewhere, and they can be from the past, present, or future.

Note, however, that your participation in this challenge is not only a pure card submission; this is a Saga with many intertwined sets of plot points, and players will be encouraged to interact with each other to forge their tales together. TL;DR: It's not about the goal, but about facing the challenges that come with trying to reach it.

What You Need To Play:

  • One or two Legendary cards to represent your main combatant(s). Each card itself is limited to a mana value of three, and the combined color identity of these cards cannot exceed three colors. A card can contain any reasonable number of combatants, but you must have main characters you can focus on. Lastly, planeswalkers aren't allowed.
  • Your choice of two or three of these total, each of which is limited to a mana value of three a piece, and each of which fits within your combatant's/team's color identity:
    • A card representing your combatant's/team's weapons, armor, skills, etc. [Can be any type except a planeswalker or land]. You may choose to submit two of these rather than choosing to make a companion or card of significance.
    • A companion card [Must be a creature or a card capable of becoming one, so long as it isn't a planeswalker]. (Can be a combatant or noncombatant, but takes a secondary role.)
    • A card representing an item, event, person, or place your character(s) hold(s) close. [Can be any type except a planeswalker].
  • Finish off your submission by giving me at least a paragraph of story about your character(s), as well as at least a paragraph on their capabilities in combat so I know how to play them in battles.
As an exception to the universal rule, you can submit characters you submitted for the original Challenge of Fates Saga. However, please update your cards and/or submit new ones, and don't just copy and paste your entry.

What You Need To Know:

  • Your characters are yours. However, by submitting them, you agree that I may momentarily take control of them for battles in the tournament and major events in the Saga.
  • Practice reason. Don't go submitting a god or saying your character is the descendant of Khantsievth, and do not submit too many character on one card (i.e. military squads, mobs, entire religious sects, armys, etc.).
  • Make sure your character has room to grow. You will have to make a new card for your combatant(s) and/or new supplementary cards at higher mana values after each round, so leave a reason for them to have an increase!
  • If you plan on submitting a character that may be disruptive to the overarching plot, such as someone who might use The Lost God's power for evil, don't be too blatant! There's no reason you wouldn't be kicked out of the tournament if officials caught wind of your motives!
  • Special care is required for native characters of demonic or celestial heritage; they are descendants of gods, and may have a connection to them.
  • Quantity does not equal quality. Submitting a huge chunk of text may give me plenty to base my vote on, but it doesn't score you extra points. Meanwhile, a short paragraph or two might not seem like much, but it absolutely helps if it's written well and adds to things.
  • You will be judged based on four factors: Challenge cards, creativity, individual storytelling, and interactions with others and the world.
  • This is a continuous Saga that doesn't end until a winner is crowned and the story resolves. If you're eliminated from the tournament, you are not eliminated from the Saga itself. You can still participate in plot sequences, submit stories and interactions, and otherwise keep up with the Saga until you can't anymore!
  • Please read this FAQ if you have any more questions. If this doesn't answer them, feel free to ask, and I might just add it to the FAQ page!

Deadline for Entries: TBD once we have at least 8 entrants.


  • Stitia, the plane of thirteen deaths… This world is one raveled in mystery, mired in death, and caught in the waves of paranoia cast by distant gods. Distrust is common among even the most honest of trades, and deceit spreads like wildfire. Just as one might think they’ve grasped it all, that they can face the dark corners of the mind and soul, the world around them, they’re quickly mistaken. Even the world suffers from the horrible corruption, seeping into her land and contaminating her soul. Cult and church, devil and angel, demon and god… all vie for the worship of the people, competing for glory and power, and none are above committing the most heinous acts in the name of their faiths.

    “Live one life, die thirteen deaths”… this is a common phrase among the people of Stitia, and one from beyond might wonder how the term came to be. This stark saying originates from the horror that awaits all. Not even the strongest of wills have been able to escape a tragic end; all who have refused to succumb to Stitia’s horrors have become one themselves. A brave hunter might refuse to back down against the beasts of night, only to be turned into a vampire or werebeast. A devotee might swear to never stop following the light, to go mad and turn their weapons against the people they once cherished. And so the cycle goes…

    Death to light, death to innocence. Death to innocence, death to hope. Death to hope, death to faith. Death to faith, death to dreams. Death to dreams, death to reason. Death to reason, death to freedom. Death to freedom, death to heart. Death to heart, death to mind. Death to mind, death to self. Death to self, death to soul. Death to self, death to all. Death to all, death to tomorrow. Death to tomorrow, death to Stitia…

    Stitia is a plane deeply rooted in the myriad genres of horror. One day you may face a ruthless werebeast attacking the town, the next you’re questioning if you’re the one responsible for the deaths, as you’re the one who provoked the beast. One day, deep seeded traditions may make you an outcast from society, and the next, society may be beyond your understanding.

    There’s a silver lining to the barrage of horror elements on Stitia, however. It is also a world of dark and epic fantasy, where heroes perform legendary feats on a daily basis. Myths can’t exist when all of these extraordinary things are a regular occurrence… the problem is that most of these all-powerful beings are not on the side of the people. Angels and other celestial beings use their gifts selfishly, taking positions of power and silencing opposition. But all the same, a demon might be on the side of good, forging pacts only with those that swear to never draw innocent blood. Stitia is a world of unknowns, and you should never assume you know everything about anything… or anyone.

  • Stitia is comprised of 13 kingdoms and two other major colonies. A brief description of each is provided below.
    • Aesthr (Population ~26,000): Aesthr first seemed like an innocent kingdom of merfolk. However, as time went on, more and more disappeared, walking into the ocean and never returning. These disappearances were rumored to be the discovery of treasure or a mass migration, but soon, the folk of the land began walking as well. Talk spread of glassy eyes, humans growing tentacles, and other disturbing changes to the people. However, no one seems to know what’s causing these strange things to happen, or what could be in the waters south of Aesthr…
    • Arcavia (Population ~63,000): The intellectual nation of Arcavia is facing a serious problem; to themselves, everything seems normal, but to the world, their ruler has disappeared overnight. Those that live there can’t be stirred to believe that their king is dead, for they believe the kingdom was always an oligarchy, run by the supreme court. The biggest concern is that Arcavia is the focal point of Stitia’s knowledge; to have that knowledge in the hands of those that refuse to confront reality could spell disaster.
    • Delvad (Population ~48,000): The Kingdom of the Duskwood is thriving, but only thanks to the Duskwood Clan. Spread throughout the kingdom and its outskirts, they're the only ones keeping the people here safe from the beasts of night. While most places only have to worry about werewolves and the occasional vampire, Delvad is cursed by The Howling, which causes all of the animals in the kingdom to become ferocious horrors during the full moon. What’s worse is that the Duskwood are at perpetual war with the Dawnwood and Bloodwood, which is leaving the stalwart forces stretched too thin.
    • Descoria (Destroyed): Descoria was once a grand kingdom of robust cities and exotic locales, founded by ancient dragons and built by kobolds. However, a powerful spell of hellfire has destroyed even the underground portions of the kingdom, killing almost everyone and forcing the survivors to flee. Worse yet, the draconic king has been killed, and the remaining draconic council is fighting to fill the power vacuum. All that remains now is a smoldering desert, and the seas here have begun to evaporate from the sudden heat.
    • Etsane (Population ~67,000): In the earliest years of Stitia, demons and devils roamed the surface rather than the underworld. When Khantsievth withdrew from Stitia, most were taken, but some remained. The people isolated them to Etsane, which was meant as a mass institution to teach them the ways of mankind. However, as centuries passed, the government went corrupt, abusing their power over the practically imprisoned inhabitants. Senseless laws were passed to justify cruel mistreatment and protect those in charge, and now, Etsane stands divided.
    • Hitcherald (Population ~14,000): With the last words of the Decider Ramesos, the Temple of Judgement has gone silent; “silence the pretenders”. Since that day, the Decider has not spoken, and news from the Pantheon of Stitia has been little to none. Different prophets, angels, and holy warriors bear their own interpretation of the Decider’s words, which has put Hitcherald at war not just with neighboring kingdoms, but with itself.
    • Owu (Population ~12,000): This isolated fey colony of wolfkin and moon elves is described by ancient texts to be not a kingdom, but a world. Almost none are welcome in, and once one leaves, they’re usually never allowed back. This has made getting information about its culture quite difficult. Some texts describe it as a prosperous kingdom, but it somehow thrives in the absence of religion, trade, politics, or any other degree of normalcy whatsoever.
    • Padetra (Population ~32,000): With every horrific thing under the moon plaguing this kingdom, the dead are restless. Covens and cults battle to be worshiped, spirits and undead scream out to be heard, and countless horrors make every night a fight to survive. Illness claws to reach anyone it can, and the people lash out at anyone more fortunate than them. Those that manage to keep their heads calm and their feet out of the grave, however, bear a strong resolve against evil, looking to solve the hauntings and occult mysteries surrounding their everyday lives.
    • Quince (Population ~37,000): The people of Quince fear rejection. Since the beginning of Stitia’s time, they have been shunned for their weakness and cowardice, which has raised a nation where only the strongest survive. Few laws exist here, and every year, a deadly tournament is held in the capital of Fresk to decide who will reign as the monarch. Despite the barbaric nature of this civilization, however, the entire country is covered in high rise cities...
    • Racrion (Population ~46,000): The Kingdom of the Dawnwood is considered the most peaceful in all of Stitia. It’s home to the Dawnwood Clan, which seeks to aid the less fortunate and leverage pacifism. The golden aura of peace here is not without its tarnish, however; people disappear with little a trace, and peaceful individuals suddenly become violent and deranged. Additionally, the leonin to the south tend to shun the beliefs of the Dawnwood, kidnapping those that venture too far out.
    • Sknotch (Population ~62,000): The Sknotch wilderness is incredibly unforgiving. Jagged rocks, switchbacks, and narrow cliffs dot the hills and mountains, which are hunted by apex predators and the fiercest tribes. Worse yet, the infamous Sknotch Mountain Range to the north is responsible for claiming many lives; so many lives have been lost there that it makes up over a quarter of wilderness deaths in Stitia's history. It’s no wonder that Castle Vanderbilt, which rested in the nation’s former capital of Bastard’s Pass, has been completely abandoned.
    • Sunset (Population ~31,000): Vampires are relatively uncommon on Stitia; that’s because their families war in Sunset. In other kingdoms, the creatures of night are commonly feared, but in Sunset, anyone who isn’t already turned must always be ready. The obnoxious six rulers of Sunset, all claiming to be its true leader, refuse to rest until they’ve killed everyone in the kingdom.
    • Woewedt (Population ~43,000): Perfection. It’s a word that means nothing when everyone strives to be perfect. Alas, the primal Kingdom of the Bloodwood has sought the council of Archdemon Khantsievth, augmenting their very souls with the rage of the wilds. These people seek to become one with nature in the most literal sense possible, physically bonding with animals and using their bodies to change their own. Few true civilizations exist here, outside of those controlled by the Bloodwood Clan.
    • Yrntrn (Population ~18,000): What happens miles underground, where miners may not see the outside world for months at a time? This is the question asked by many, who have seen the toll that the kingdom’s mining craze has had on workers. As much as the people are looking for answers, they can’t find peace. At day, other kingdoms threaten war, seeking the vast resources found under the soil. At night, cries echo throughout the mines and beyond, denying the people their rest.
    • Ystheria (Population ~24,000): Ystheria is a kingdom of the people, covered in massive tracts of farmland and dotted with too many small towns to count. However, the low density of this kingdom’s population, combined with the great distance between major communities, means that crimes go without justice. Many shady types have retreated here to lie low, but grudges die hard; it’s only a matter of time before someone comes looking for vengeance.
  • ...well... Arcavia's backstory aged like milk.
  • Koku'en, Wandering Blacksmith

    Kokuen Crimson SmithFrenzied Inspiration
    Chillbrand FiendSoulscream Blades

    Combat Style ~ Arms Master
    Koku'en's gruff, no-nonsense demeanor, unsettling possessed artifacts, and dangerously short temper normally ward off unwanted interactions. Those that cross him find a cold, ruthless warrior who wields a vast arsenal of handcrafted equipment, leveraging their unusual abilities to keep his foes off balance.

    Walking Armory ~ Koku'en carries all of his equipment with him, including a collapsible fireplace, a small anvil, smith's tools, and his weapons and other artifacts. This allows him to craft new gear wherever and whenever inspiration strikes, while also ensuring he's never defenseless.

    Soulbinding Artifice ~ Koku'en can bind the souls of other creatures to his artifacts, granting them supernatural abilities and additional features reminiscent of the creature. The soul within is released when the artifact is destroyed, at which point Koku'en can either release it or rebind the soul into a new artifact (he carries a number of trinkets and ornaments that mainly serve as temporary soul traps). Possessed artifacts can perceive their surroundings and communicate telepathically with both Koku'en and their wielder across moderate distances.

    Custom Mechanic ~ Possessed (As this enters the battlefield, you may exile a creature card from your graveyard until this leaves the battlefield.) 
    Mainly appears on artifacts, especially equipment; usually grants additional abilities when possessed.

    Backstory (WIP, mostly done)

    After uncovering a shattered artifact in an old ruin near his hometown of Jekah Pass, Koku'en was so capitvated by its exquisite intricacies and the residual power it contained even in its fractured state that he became consumed by the desire to surpass it and achieve true mastery of his craft.

    To this end, Koku'en left on an aimless journey. In Padetra he began practicing the arts of soul manipulation, imbuing his creations with the souls of creatures slain or befriended. The Chillbrand Fiend Mokan, one of his closest companions, was saved from a gruesome demise in Etsane, choosing to accompany Koku'en to see the outside world.

    Drawn by rumors of a great weapon, he returned to his homeland with hopes of gaining insights into true artifice, only to find everything ruined before it began. Left aimless once more, he hears of this effigy just as he's preparing to leave the ruined kingdom. If nothing else, perhaps investigating will provide an outlet for his frustration…

  • Zhenpher, Void Walker


    Combat style
     Ferocious parasite. Zhenpher uses it’s natural eldrazi style to destroy anyone that goes on its way, can be done by the simple force or by consuming the magic of enemies.

    - Void walk: The unnatural magic of Zhenpher has carried him onto a new world, that now it can’t escape from. Now it can use his void portals to teleport on combat to places nearby.
    - Drain magic: The origin of Zhenpher makes him able to drain magic and become stronger, this is shown on the card by using the +1/+1 counters. It can also use this drain to cast spells, as shown in the card.

    Zhenpher is an eldrazi that entered other dimensions using its void walk ability. Now, because of the natures of this world, he can’t escape from here.

    Khaldrian, Loyal Scion
    Khaldrian is Zhenpher’s mount, so in the card I made it to be helpful for Zhenpher.

    Personal Goal
    Zhenpher wants to find a way to get out of here, but it is interested on what is going to happen. It knows that a cathaclysm has a chance to appear, and, if you know, eldrazis like that.

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