Art Store

edited April 2024 in Off-topic Chat
Hello everyone! This is something I wanted to do for a while but always forgot to do because my memory is more broken then shattered glass :D. So basically all of this discussion is about, is you (the customer) can just ask for a prompt of art, and I will either draw or search for hours for that prompt. Example: You ask for a giant dragon and you can either have it custom drawn or I can spend heaps of my time finding what you ask for. Now if I cant find it then I will get back to you with AI generated images or such. But this is just meant for help with finding art, and if you want who painted or illustrated it.

So welcome, and I am usually active on Mtg Cardsmith so I will get back to you in a day or two (maybe longer depending on how detailed or bizarre the prompt is). If I am not going to be on the site for an extended period of time then I will let you guys know :smile:.


  • edited April 2024
    Hey @Floodkiller45 ! I'll take you up on it, please give me a hand:
    I'm looking for art of a kangaroo court. As in, a literal court of law composed of kangaroos.
    Around size 768x512 if possible for a card '.'
  • @Yururu Thanks!

    I'll be back to you in a day or two.  :)
  • Oh and i forgot; would you like it custom or from another artist?
  • Whatever floats your boat, really! Not going too picky since you're already volunteering to help out. I had a tough time finding a picture for it online, but maybe your more Google-fu skills can succeed where mine failed.
  • @Yururu
    Here is some art that I found:

    Are these good for you?
  • Picture 1: Illus by Pete Mcdonnell
    Picture 2: I couldn't find who painted this one but I hope it's good enough :smile:
  • Thank you, that really helps!
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