You Make The Card (YMTC)



  • @Robo_Kitty

    Don't know if it counts, but in case it does, here's my entry:

    Nyxborn Tyrant
  • @TheDarkKnight1234567
    The Aura Curse attaches to player rather than the creature. If it can become Aura Curse, then yes. Otherwise, it doesn't count.
  • Oh yeah forgot about that
  • @Robo_Kitty when is this going to be judged?
  • Week Nineteen deadline complete

    Thank you all so much for your participation! Sorry for posting this so late, I've been sick with the flu.

    We had 7 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @FireOfGolden - Wounded
    So this is a curse for a completely different challenge and I'm pretty sure does not work as an mtg card, so I'm just going to say this is disqualified.

    @Jadefire - Infectious Ignorance
    I love this card, and honestly can not find anything wrong with it. I will say it feels a little powerful in 1v1 formats, but honestly it works fine as it is.

    Overall, amazing card I love it. 96/100

    @Floodkiller45 - Curse of the Wicked Vines
    Okay, firstly curses are meant to enchant players. The curse category is exclusive to player targeting auras. So this does mean it does not fit the prompt. Even as just a normal aura it is really underpowered, its a glorified removal that also gets the controller a land. This should be somewhere around two mana, because otherwise it is way too weak. Also, as a aura it should be "enchant creature", it makes it more consices.

    Overall, fine card, but does not fit the prompt. 71/100

    @kaoz42 - Curse of Fame
    This is a really cool curse I love the inspiration behind it.

    Alright, so if you want only one opponent to get the 1/1s I recommend you say something like "At the beginning of your upkeep, create 5 1/1 red Human creature tokens with haste and 'This creature can only attack a player enchanted by Curse of Fame.' named Obsessive Admirer." However, this way only you would get the creatures, so if you want something different, I would recommend playing around with the wording. 

    Overall awesome card, just needs to fix the wording. 79/100

    @jaceberlin - Curse of Malnutrition
    I love the flavor of this card, it is very cool.

    I don't find too much wrong with this card, though I do think that this should be pushed up to 6 mana, while 2 poison doesn't feel like a lot the way it stacks every turn makes it just feel like too many counters, or too much poison. 

    Overall fun card, just a little powerful 88/100

    @LvB - Curse of Exploitation.
    Once again, curses are meant to be auras that Attach to players. They need to be specifically "enchant player". Also it does need to be an Aura Curse to enchant t a player. Even without this this is way to powerful for 3 mana, this early in the game would wreck havoc. I would push this up to 5 or maybe 6 mana.

    Overall, cool card, but does not meat the requirements. 72/100

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - nyxborn tyrant 
    yes, as @FireOfGolden ;stated, a curse does need to attach to a player, so this does not fit the requirements. But other than that omg I love this card, it is so creative and cool.

    Overall, amazing card, but does not meet the prompt. 80/100
    That means Congrats @Jadefire You have won Week seventeen of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    3 Favs + 3 hugs
    Thanks to @TheDarkKnight1234567 and additional 2 favs.

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Twenty Prompt

    Create a creature with a "group Hug effect" whenever it deals damage to a player

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • I know it's technically only when it connects, but will this work? ?

    Akki Invoker

  • Kalek is part lord, part group hug card as it can both generate additional Squirrels and grant each of them group hug status while providing a mutually beneficial effect to all players.  The flavour text is a subtle nod to this card.
  • Week twenty deadline complete

    We had 3 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - Akki Invoker
    Yeah this is close enough to the prompt, I'll count it.

    I really like this card, the design is so cool. The one thing I have against it is that it does seem a little expensive. Yes, the effect is powerful, but I feel like in the play style this works well in it should be dropped down to 4 mana. That may make it a little powerful but I think it would round the card out a bit better. It also only trigger on attacks and only once so I think 4 mana would be a better cost.

    Overall, great card but could be brought down a bit in mana. 86/100

    @Jadefire - Kalek, Raiding Scamp
    Oh I love this, this would be such a fun commander. idk why but I love squirrels in MTG.

    I think this card is extremely well made. The only real thing I have against it is that it seems a little powerful at 1 mana, especially as a rare. However, if you want to keep it on the powerful side it works great as is.

    Overall, awesome card, you could push up the mana cost tho. 90/100

    @Floodkiller45 - Bringer of Plagues
    Okay, while this card is actually really cool design and balance wise it does not fit the prompt. I was looking for "group hug" cards. Group Hug is when a card benefits all players positivitly, like letting all players draw a card. This is more of a "group slug" card, where all players get a downside.

    Overall, I love the card and I wish I could rate it higher, but given that it does not fit the prompt, I give it a 83/100
    That means Congrats @Jadefire You have won Week twenty of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    3 favs
    Crystal Ball: In a future round, when you submit a card, you may choose to use the crystal ball. If you do, I will tell you what score I will give your card. You can then choose to re-submit or not. (Note: When used, the crystal ball is used up. You will also only get the score, not the review.)

    Thank you all for your participation!
  • Week Twenty One Prompt

    Create a legendary creature with Eminence

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • "Create a legendary creature with Eminence"

  • Hope it's okay if I join in on this! This looks like a fun challenge, especially if it happens every week!
  • I'm not sure how to put the card on display like the rest.
  • @N3p7un3_7h3_Mys71c To put the card on display I believe you can just copy and paste the image.
  • Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  Good point about Kalek.  I was thinking its combat damage trigger wasn't as one-sidedly powerful as a Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer's because it's a group hug, but its token sacrifice trigger does asymmetrically punish every other player, even for tokens created by other effects.

    The favourites can be applied to any of my cards you like:

  • This card went through several iterations.  I wanted an effect that could permanently modify the base power of token creatures, but the earlier versions didn't have any cost associated with its Eminence ability, which also powered up (or down as the case may be) every single creature token you created.  This was far too powerful in combination with Myriad.
  • Nishoku The Eclipse
    Figured it out! Thanks!
  • Hello Everyone! Now that cardsmith and the forums are back up, I am pleased to say The YMTC Will be returning! Judging will be updated and out soon!
  • My card got eaten by the servers going down, so here it is again:

  • Week "twenty one" deadline complete

    We had 4 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @Suleman - The Pale Rider
    Alright, starting us off with a more group-huggy effect. I like it!

    Ok, Firstly I have to say, I love this eminence ability. Eminence has always been famously broken, and this is just a really cool ability. However, I must say this should not be mythic rarity. While the effect is cool it is much more deserving of rare. It is an effect that benefits all, and besides the eminence the card is honestly not that good. Throw on partner and that would be cool, but as it is it feels underpowered and kind of boring as a commander. Also you forgot the legendary frame, just to point it out.

    Overall, amazing eminence ability, but overall uninteresting as a commander, 80/100

    @N3p7un3_7h3_Mys71c - Nishoku, The Eclipse
    Alright, this is a really cool phoenix commander. We only have one right now, and this one is much cooler.

    Alright, This card is really cool, however I do notice quite a few grammatical errors. Firstly, in the Eminence, it should be written "Whenever a phoenix is put into your graveyard, if Nishoku is in the command zone or on the battlefield, draw a card..." It should be written this way as eminence is meant to trigger in the command zone. And then on Nishoku's second ability it should be written " ...from a graveyard, you may have Nishoku deal 3 damage to any target." As you the player cannot directly deal damage (except on some emblems but we're going to ignore that).

    Overall awesome card just has a few grammatical errors, 85/100

    @Jadefire - Kalang Tsu, the Exemplar
    Dang, this card is so cool. I could 100% see this as being a real card, and 100% see it as a commander.

    I really love this card and I have only a small nitpick with it.  think you could push down his mana cost to 4. As while, yes he is powerful at his starting power, the myriad is not going to benefit to many things. And sitting at mythic, its not going to be too unreasonable to make him 4. 

    Overall, amazing card. Could be pushed down in aman cost though. 92/100

    @Floodkiller45 - Exitar, The Celestial Aid 
    Azorius counters? That's certainly a new one.

    Alright, I got to say I do really like the idea behind this card, but oh my gosh this is broken. You have to remember, you get the ability with eminence for FREE. The sheer amount of card draw that this card generates means you can be drawing upwards of 5 cards on turn 4. This needs some serious balancing. If it did not have the eminence it could be a lot more balanced, but as it is, this thing is insane.

    Overall, cool idea but incredibly broken 74/100.
    That means Congrats @Jadefire You have won Week "twenty one" of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    5 favs + 5 hugs

    Thank you all for your participation, and thank you all for sticking through on the long wait!
  • Week Twenty Two Prompt

    Create a one mana card with mythic rarity.

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • I know I haven't been active in a while, I just haven't really had any good ideas. Anyway, here's my card for this week's prompt:

    Invoke the Mists
  • @FireOfGolden The card needs to be 1 mana, as in {1} or {r} 
  • Here is my card.

  • Thanks @Robo_Kitty!  The five favourites can go to any card in my collection that you like:
    (I think I lost a few of your previous favourites when the website rolled back, the most recent one is on Stakeout Van).

    The five hugs can go to the following cards:
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