You Make The Card (YMTC)




    Neriys is a bit of a mash-up of Exploration and Azusa, Lost but Seeking in that it comes down early and can enable multiple additional land drops.  This is balanced by the restriction of only being able to play basic lands that haven't been played that turn.  As it stands, between Wastes and the normal and Snow-Covered versions of the five basic lands, Neriys theoetically enables up to 11 land drops in a single turn (12 once Snow-Covered Wastes comes out in MH3).
  • @N3p7un3_7h3_Mys71c could you provide a link to your card please.
  • That should be it
  • Great perfect, thanks!

    Sorry but Mtg Cardsmith isn't letting me see or copy and save pictures so here is the link to my card.
  • Thanks for doing challenges. 

  • Kinda overpowered for just 1 mana
  • Probably. Wasn't trying to make the perfect card, just one that fit the challenge. 
  • edited May 2024
    Week twenty two deadline complete

    We had 6 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - Invoke the Mists
    Wow, this is a really awesome interaction card. I'm surprised there's nothing like this in actual magic.

    I love this card. I only have a few nit picks with it. Firstly, the card is incredibly powerful, being able to outright counter some effects and negating any form of counter spell. However, it can be stopped with a simple counter spell, as it still needs to resolve. I really think this should have something like split second, and it would still work with the theme. Secondly, the card has space for flavor text, and knowing your creativity I would have loved to see some cool flavor text on this card.

    Overall, awesome card with really cool ideas. Just needs a few adjustments to be perfect. 86/100

    @FireOfGolden - The Creator
    This card blatantly does not fit the prompt. Starting this week, if cards very obviously break the prompt without some form of mistake I will not be judging them.

    @Jadefire - Neriys, The Vivid Bloom
    Ooh, very cool ramp card. I like the basic land restriction.

    Alright, so while I do really like the card and I do really like the restriction. This card is much too powerful for one mana. When making a one mana card you need to assume it will be out turn one. If a deck is built right, this could get up to 3 additional lands. You compared it to exploration and Azusa. However exploration is just one lands and Azusa is 3 mana. I really think this should be bumped up to two or even three mana, as currently it is too good on turn one.

    Overall, awesome card, but too powerful at one mana. 3/100

    @N3p7un3_7h3_Mys71c - Angelic Intervention
    Alright, a very cool protection spell I like it.

    Okay, so if I am not mistaken, as it is currently worded it is infinite with a free sac outlet, as the creature will keep returning. I would instead word it as "Until end of turn, creatures you control gain 'if this creature were to die this turn, instead return it to the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it.'" Secondly, as it is currently worded I would not put it at mythic rarity. It feels like an effect deserving of rare.

    Overall cool card, but needs wording changes. 78/100

    @Floodkiller45 - Kalamu, God of Darkness
    Wow, this is an awesome card. I love the creativity in the effect.

    Okay, I only have one problem with this card and that is that you need to reveal the card you tutor for. Otherwise this is very easy to cheat. honestly this feels a little underpowered with the dealing combat damage trigger, but that's not really a thing you can fix.

    Overall, awesome card, just needs to reveal the tutor. Amazing work. 87/100

    @greencircleyall - Lynx's Gift  
    Okay, this is a really cool card idea, it looks really cool.

    My only problem with this card is that it is way too cheap of a mana cost for this kind effect. All large effects in MTG, weather they beneficial to you or your opponents have high mana costs to compensate this. Also imagine casting this for one mana when your about to lose, really broken. Finally, this kind of effect should always be a Sorcery. This is too powerful to be firing off at instant speed.
    That means Congrats @Floodkiller45 You have won Week twenty two of YMTC! Congrats!

    your prize is:
    5 favs + a follow from me

    Thank you all for your participation!

    btw, sorry for the late posting. With finals approaching you can expect delays in this. I am sorry for the delay. Should be back to normal soon.
  • Week Twenty Three Prompt

    Create a card the embodies your favorite way to play Magic

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • I love cards like Neera, Wild Mage; Ian Malcolm, Chaotician; Shared Fate; Share the Spoils; etc. 

  • @Robo_Kitty Those are some fair criticisms.  I was thinking that foregoing the use of more powerful nonbasic lands, especially ones that produce more than one colour of mana, would already be a big drawback for a multicoloured deck's mana base.  Not only that, but tuning your land count so as to consistently start the game with a Forest in your opening hand along with a variety of other basic lands can be quite the challenge.  Without those conditions met, the ramping advantage from Neriys is all but negated.
    I was split between submitting Neriys and another card.  I guess I should've been more open to using a Crystal Ball.

    My favourite way to play Magic is Johnny-style.  I like the creative expression of deckbuilding, especially trying to find new combos and rules interactions, which sometimes involves figuring out how to break a mechanic or symmetrical effect or finding a workaround for an intended drawback or limitation.
    Also, it is supposed to say creature token, not token creature.
  • A combination of Jetmir and Jinnie Fey, I love Cats, and the fact that their a pretty common tribe in MTG is so fun for me. I also just really love token decks so, this is  kinda the best card. Tried not to make it overpowered and threw so fun stuff. I almost threw a token doubling function on it, but figured that would be too much.
  • My Submission:

    Sorry I couldn't show the card the file was too large!

    Anyway I like to play Magic in a thievery type way. I mostly use a Rakdos type deck and I'm currently playing with a deck focused around Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor:

    This card is really fun as I can basically draw a lot of cards and discard them to play all my opponents spells without paying their mana costs. My submission is heavily based off this card and I'm very sorry for having so much words on it, I didn't know how to word it better.

    Also thanks @Robo_Kitty! The favs can go to any cards in my collection you like:

  • To be honest, I've been playing magic for probably about 5-6 years at this point, yet I have only ever played ultra-casual low-power 2-player commander. It's because I only have one friend who plays magic, and we both have rather tight budgets. It's very frustrating because I have barely "grown" as a magic player after all these years. Anyway, I doubt anyone actually read all that.

    Here's my card:

    A Pitiful Attempt to Defy Fate

    I feel this card embodies what I was saying because it's an UN card, so it is purely casual, and is somewhat low power. Furthermore, this card card was actually inspired by that same friend I mentioned earlier because the flavor text is what he often says when I'm about to win.
  • edited May 2024
    "Create a card the embodies your favorite way to play Magic"

    I'm not sure if it's my favorite way to play right now, but my very first deck that I played a lot with was a vampire madness deck.

  • @Suleman your card does not seem to be loading on cardsmith
  • @Robo_Kitty
    It sometimes loads and sometimes doesn't, I don't know what's up with that.
    Here's a separate version of the card image at least:

  • Appearing for the first time on a lot of time, I really like the swarm decks (and better if they are tokens). But my favourite mechanic about MTG cards is the extra effects like dungeons or the ring. So my card involves the mechanic that combines both. And my favourite mechanic (I have lots of sketches of them) was created by @TenebrisNemo:
  • yep, also the card made for tenebrisnemo is the card I most like from the ones I have made here.
  • @smax765 - I am flattered by your words and the fantastic card which brilliantly captures my style! Glad to see the mechanic resonates with you as much as it does with me. Many thanks, and welcome back!
  • Week twenty three deadline complete

    We had 6 entries this week, let's get onto judging.

    @greencircleyall - Denly, The Barely Patient
    Starting off with some group Hug / chaos cards. fun!

    Alright, so I really like this card, but it is so underpowered. The problem with its ability is that when your opponents exile the cards they can just cast them and prevent you from activating the ability. It would take so long to actual activate the ability. I think I see two ways to fully balance this card. Either A, put it to 5 cards exiled with counters, or B, keep it at 20 and make it a you win the game effect. I think with how slow this is it is definitely balanced enough.

    Overall, great concept, just pretty underpowered. 81/100

    @Jadefire - Kiroc of Hidden Legions
    OOh, a custom compainion, I love to see it.

    I really like this card. I think its plain effect is very well balanced. My only problem with the card is its companion cost. The no creatures thing feels much too difficult to build a deck around. While yes, this would be a really fun challenge in casual, I cannot see anyone building this in any competitive format. This really cuts back on the use of this card.

    Overall, amazingly cool card, just the companion effect feels a little too much. 85/100

    @N3p7un3_7h3_Mys71c - The Litterbox Clan
    Cat tribal, I love to see it. definitely one of my favorites.

    Alright, while I do love this card, I am finding quite a few grammatical errors across the card. Firstly, there should be a space between gets and +1/+1. Secondly, there should be a space between the first and second abilities. Next, in the second ability it should say "Whenever another token creature enters the battlefield under your control" to prevent form stopping opponents tokens. Then, it should "say 2/2 green cat creature token with haste" Finally there should be a period after litter robot.

    Overall cool card, but a lot of grammatical errors. 76/100

    @Floodkiller45 - Sacarz, Skeletal Hoarder
    Theft and treasure, some of the best subtypes. Love it!

    Alright, I really love this card however, it does need a bit of a wording fixture. The ability should say "{5}{b}{r}, Sacrifice any number of Treasure tokens and all skeleton tokens created with Sacarz: exile the top X cards from your opponents library. Where X is the number of Treasures sacrificed this way." This is the more proper way to word it. The should also be another " at the end of the first ability.

    Overall, awsome card just needs a small wording fix. 87/100

    @TheDarkKnight1234567 - A Pitiful Attempt to Defy Fate 
    Exiciting. I love joke cards.

    ngl there is nothing wrong with this card. The theme is great. the creativity is amazing, and balance wise it is a perfectly fine and funny card joke card. This would be a perfect 100, however, with the complications that come from the ability to counter losing or winning the game and the need to most likely add entirely new rules I need to knock it down to a 98/100.

    @smax765 - Tenebris, Knight of the Abyss
    I really like the gaze into the abyss mechanic, and this is a really cool representation of it.

    While I like this card, it does seem very powerful. With all its mechanics, I would push it up to 5 mana, as 4 can get it out much to quickly for the power of its abilities. Secondly, I think persist is a little unnecessary, given how easy it is to abuse, especially in the theme this card is looking for.

    Overall, very cool card, just a little too powerful 88/100
    @Suleman - I'm sorry I really just can't get your card to load.

    That means Congrats @TheDarkKnight1234567You have won Week twenty three of YMTC! Congrats! 

    your prize is:
    3 favs
    🗿 Statue Card: I will create a card of/for you and it will be gifted to you. 

    Thank you all for your participation!

  • Week Twenty Four Prompt

    Create a card that contains {x}{x}{x} in its mana cost.

    I hope you have fun with this week's prompt and enjoy the challenge!
  • Congratulations on the near-perfect score @TheDarkKnight1234567!
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